Recent content by Ethereal

  1. Ethereal

    To that one guest

    TTOG: No, I can't make your ham & swiss panini with onions and pickles on it. Not sure if you read the sign, but this is Starbucks, not Subway. :rolleyes:
  2. Ethereal

    To that one guest

    TTOG: I'm sorry that your drink took longer to make than you would have liked. I apologized, explained the circumstances, offered you a free drink for next time, and offered to refund your drink, but since you were having none of that, I'm not sure what you were hoping to accomplish by...
  3. Ethereal

    To that one guest

    To all of today's guests who pitched a fit over one pointless thing or another: I hope you like decaf. :)
  4. Ethereal

    To that one guest

    To those 4 guests who came and ordered 9 frappuccinos between you all in the last 5 minutes we were open: I hate you all with a burning passion. We've been open all day, so why did you have to procrastinate and wait until we were about to close to get your drinks?
  5. Ethereal

    To that one Team Member I - ARCHIVED

    TTOETL: Telling TMs that we should do something that requires more time and effort on our part because it will get you guys a bigger end of the year bonus isn't exactly what I'd call an incentive.
  6. Ethereal

    To that one guest

    TTOG: Thanks for making me waste a lot of time talking in circles with you. I lost track of how many times I tried to explain that, since the items you were returning and the item you wanted to buy were different types and prices, I couldn't process it as an even exchange, but since the item you...
  7. Ethereal

    Archived Target and crappy wifi/network

    WiFi? What WiFi? Ours only seems to work half the time and when it does, we're lucky to get about 1-2 bars of connection. I've had several guests go off on a tangent about how it's ridiculous that Target makes them use Cartwheel/mobile coupons/e-gift-cards for purchases but then doesn't provide...
  8. Ethereal

    To that one guest

    TTOG: I love how when I told you 5 times that you needed the coupon to get that promotion you didn't believe me and insisted that the sign said you didn't need one, but as soon as I call my GSTL over and he tells you the same thing, you say "Oh, she didn't tell me that." Like no, I told you...
  9. Ethereal

    Archived Black Thursday and you

    I honestly had one of the most peaceful cashiering shifts I've ever experienced in my entire time at Target. Despite them constantly calling out on the walkies that my register was available, they never seemed to send guests my way, and as a result I spent most the night waiting for someone to...
  10. Ethereal

    To that one guest

    TTOG: Thank you so much for letting me spend a good 7 minutes bagging your $400+ worth of purchases and letting me play Tetris trying to fit them all on the bag area rather than putting them in your cart, only to promptly take everything back out of your bags when the transaction was complete...