Recent content by peppysteppy

  1. P

    Still on the schedule even though I'm quitting.

    My two weeks are in and my last day is this Friday. When I look at the paper schedule in clerical, I see that I'm no longer being scheduled for shifts on next week's schedule, but I notice that my name is still on that one second set of papers behind the main schedule. Do you know which one I'm...
  2. P

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    You just plain haven't been paying attention. There are plenty of comments here saying that it's just a matter of work ethic and performance. Me leaving shouldn't play into it at all. Pay attention, junior.
  3. P

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    It's a matter of principle. My leaving shouldn't factor in my raise. It should be solely because of merit and overall work ethic.
  4. P

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    Try telling that to the sycophants above...
  5. P

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    I haven't been VM a whole year, but I was a Style TL for two years before that. There shouldn't be any prorating for an experienced leader.
  6. P

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    There was a point last year with the old law firm where my two weeks were given and I was ready to go, but things fell through at the very last second. I obviously had to rescind my notice, but what was I supposed to do after that? Lie and tell my ETL and SD that I've given up on my law career...
  7. P

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    I'm a VM, former Style TL who made a lateral move. I've been VM for roughly 6-7 months and I've regularly been praised as a top performer. My ETL always points out how I'm the quickest and most efficient VM he's ever worked with and our DSD even singled me out for praise on his last visit. So...
  8. P

    Can I actually get in trouble for this?

    So I've accepted a new job at a law firm and it's something that's going to be a big help for my career aspirations. I won't actually be starting until August, meaning that I can't quite put in my two weeks just yet. But I've been going around telling anybody who'll listen that I'll be leaving...
  9. P

    Does this sound like a situation that I should report to someone?

    So this Thursday will mark two weeks since I filed a report on the Integrity Hotline. Not only is the TL still working here, but he's still active on social media calling for people to call Target and voice their complaints. He's also been subtly defending the people who threaten violence...
  10. P

    Does this sound like a situation that I should report to someone?

    Our store has a newly promoted Front End TL and me and him have gotten along since before he became a lead. I'm a Style TL who's well aware of this guy's religious leanings. I'm personally not religious and I've had a lot of patience with him constantly trying to convert me and "see the way"...
  11. P

    Should I go for the Visual Merchandiser role?

    It's not so much her opinion, but it's more so me just wanting to move up in the world and not risk doing anything that would be seen as a step backwards. Nobody wants to be demoted.
  12. P

    Should I go for the Visual Merchandiser role?

    I'm a Style TL who's feeling really burnt out by the usual TL duties. I hate coaching, doing interviews, and ESPECIALLY the annual reviews. I've contemplated just leaving the company, but I found out that our VM is leaving and I've expressed an interest in taking up the role. I figured that it...