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  1. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Staples takes a stand, will close stores on Thanksgiving

    Staples takes a stand, will close stores on Thanksgiving I can't imagine Target ever doing this, but I have a lot of respect for Staples for taking this step. I remember the two black Fridays I worked at Target as two of the most hectic days of my life, and having to work on Thanksgiving in...
  2. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Does your STL interview every new hire?

    When I got hired our STL was on indefinite LOA for illness. Sadly he passed away a few months later.
  3. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Two Situations last night that made me feel uncomfortable.

    In both scenarios, I was covering a break for the Electronics TM. I'm normally a Sales Floor TM, and both of these situations happened within 15 minutes of each other. 1. Guest is looking at flash drives. Comes up to me saying he found one where the ad sign says $7.99, but he scanned it at a...
  4. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Undercover Boss

    The former chancellor at my alma mater was on undercover boss while I was attending the university. Made for a very interesting episode.
  5. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived One week off !!!

    lol! we got ourselves a comedian here :D Although to be serious, last year we had Easter Sunday off. Our store was closed that day and everything.
  6. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Mannequins

    We've had these for awhile now. We actually got them shortly after Gregg left the company. It takes a bit to get used to, but now I'd think it was weird if we DIDN'T have mannequins.
  7. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Phrases heard over the Walkie

    At my store you can only call it the Cash office or the CO upstairs when you're in TSC. Over the walkie and on the floor it is referred to by its phone extension, 239.
  8. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Phrases heard over the Walkie

    I thought this thread was going to be about silly things we've heard over the walkie. "Sales Floor, do you copy?" (AA volume P-Fresh store) I have heard an ETL refer to the cash office as the "CO," upon which she received a stern lecture from the ETL-AP.
  9. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Food recall or what?

    This actually happened to me the other day! They gave me a cashier shift (heaven knows why, I'm not desperate for hours, hate cashiering, and salesfloor is my main workcenter) and someone came through with a bottle of valerian root. When I scanned it, the printer shot out a receipt and said DO...
  10. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Be honest, do you hate working at Target?

    I go through phases. In the beginning I actually did enjoy it. But over time that has declined to what I'll call "tolerating it." It doesn't pay much, the ETLs micromanage, the work has gotten repetitive, and hours are hard to come by this time of year, but it beats not having a job. Sometimes...
  11. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived What is Target's weather policy?

    This is not weather related, but about a week ago we had a SLTL 45 minutes late for work because someone was threatening to jump off a freeway overpass. Traffic was completely parked for awhile.
  12. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived AE 2015 Official Thread

    One thing that has happened beginning this year is that certain FFF events are now tied to goals the executive team has set for metrics. Example: We have a calendar in the break room at my store showing all FFF events for that month. Jan 10 read "Cup of Noodles Day (for hitting 4% conversion)."...
  13. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Was I let go?

    Definitely ask about it. They're supposed to tell you if they aren't keeping you but communication has never been one of Spot's strong points. Not being on the schedule, though- that's not a good sign.
  14. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Has the Mobile Schedule Ever Been Wrong for You?

    Yes. My mobile schedule has been screwed up before. I brought it up with HR, and they told me that the wall schedule has priority. If you weren't notified about a change, then there was no change. They can't change your schedule without telling you about it.
  15. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived I called out on Christmas Eve.

    Been here over a year, never called out (yet). OP seemed to make it fairly clear that he wasn't calling out for a personal day, just called out because he didn't WANT to work. Well, neither did I, but I came in anyway.
  16. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived I called out on Christmas Eve.

    ...yes, people procrastinate (we had someone looking for a tree on christmas eve), and the 24th is not technically a holiday. I don't think anyone *hates* you for what you did, but you may not find as much support as you're looking for. My aunt and my brother both have to work Christmas Day, and...
  17. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived I called out on Christmas Eve.

    My STL was there in the morning, left about noon or so. Our ETL-GE, who was mid-LOD, asked me for help with the trash... she's about my age, but a really girly-girl so she was (a) afriad of falling into the compactor, and (b) didn't want to handle yucky trash :rolleyes: She actually gave me...
  18. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Well it's my 94th day...Still no review...

    My 90 day "review" was a 15 second spiel from my TL who outlined the basic core roles in my job, and told me that they were keeping me for sure.
  19. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived WishList

    Are you talking about actual abandon carts, or the little plastic red toy shopping cart we sell? God that thing is annoying. Someone's kid brings it up to the register and then the parent says "lol jk we don't want this." Seriously, it'd be cute if it was once or twice, but I swear it must...
  20. tarZHAYnotTarGET

    Archived Does Target accept Apple Pay?

    I actually had a guest ask me this the other night, while I was backing up. She came up to my register and asked "Do you guys take Apple Pay?" I had no idea what to say to her, since I've never seen anyone use it or had training for it. I know what it is, but I have no idea whether or not we...