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  1. R

    Disrespectful TL

    Replicable results= meeting unload times Developing a team= Team knows I put in the work and I have their respect so they stop the unapproved flexing that nobody else addressed in a professional manner and they help us meet unload times. You have to push yourself physically when handling...
  2. R

    Specialty Fellow tm not backstocking

    Not sure we are talking about the same lawsuit but, I can believe they were sued in another case for this. Good ol capitalism 🤢🤮
  3. R

    Specialty Fellow tm not backstocking

    Key word there is "if" when I can't stock my "out of stock" product because you flexed like a juiced up beach boy then it's a problem and you were just avoiding backstocking. Flexing is supposed to be "approved". Target has been sued for price compliancy because of careless flexing and resets...
  4. R

    Will I get fired?

    Yes. Which state?
  5. R

    Will I get fired?

    You send a picture of the test to hr and they will tell you the rest, basically 2 weeks off paid. You should have 80 hours of emergency sick pay for covid.
  6. R

    My fellow TL's are setting me up for failure.

    I seriously think that, yes. Anybody except you, apparently. We clock in to get ripped off, not sure what you're smoking but, I don't want any.
  7. R

    My fellow TL's are setting me up for failure.

    Still, if I were to make up stories I sure wouldn't make myself out to be a jerk, eh, slightly entertaining, guess I'll read more.
  8. R

    My fellow TL's are setting me up for failure.

    You sound like a jerk. Telling a guy to not use awesome voices on the radio? I hate all the passive aggressive shit I hear on the radio and the people who think they have to yell in the walkie, Yoda would be fucking golden! I wouldn't save any pizza for you either and I'd tell you exactly why.
  9. R

    Disrespectful TL

    I recently stepped back and convinced my etl we should just split the trucks between team members, it's a bit slower but, my back is finally feeling better, I had an injury from ups a while ago and my back pain was getting pretty bad again with all that throwing. 3600 boxes on the shoulders of...
  10. R

    Disrespectful TL

    I get in at 330 am even though I'm not actually TL, I unload trucks like a savage, throw trucks back to back by myself when we do doubles, I fix the flex, call out hazards and fix them, do more than any normal TM and this TL still has it out for me, probably because I question them. Power trip 101
  11. R

    Disrespectful TL

    Sounds similar to this ass hat of a TL at my store.
  12. R

    Disrespectful TL

    Makes sense, I guess I need to just keep my mouth shut around them and do what they say if I have to interact with them, hoping I didn't ruin my promotion chances today, my etl said probably not but, I guess hr will be the judge of that, fuck!
  13. R

    I guess I will never have my own set of keys for powered equipment...

    I'm going to suggest this at my store.
  14. R

    I guess I will never have my own set of keys for powered equipment...

    #1 You have to be certified on power equipment. #2 you can buy crown keys online, not that you should waste your money. #3 your TL's sound shitty.
  15. R

    Disrespectful TL

    This TL, they're just rude, have a complex and will not have a 2 sided conversation with anyone, they are always right and if you ask a question about what they said or voice a concern they take it as disrespect and as a punishable offense. Does target teach TL's to be dictators? Everyone else...
  16. R

    Specialty Fellow tm not backstocking

    Call them out, respectfully. I did that when I first started at my store as inbound tm, 3 months ago, I'm now supposed to be promoted to inbound TL, hopefully soon when our SD gets back. I called out everyone, even higher ups, I hated fixing the flex and constantly getting so much shit on our...
  17. R

    Goodbye, and Good Riddance, Spot!

    Looks on brand to me, lol.
  18. R

    Ethics hotline

    Don't trust anyone, I'm trying to be promoted to TL, our temp SD advocated for me and my Gm etl, I have learned that they all protect each other while talking shit about each other behind backs, it's epic schoolyard bs and I don't fit in, I'm on brand, they are not. You would have to find...
  19. R

    Leaning cardboard?

    Ummm, tell grumpy pants Mcgee to chill. I'm acting TL for inbound trying to actually get promoted. I tell everyone not to trip, just throw it in and get on to more important work, I'll clean up the back and make the bale no problem. I use 2 wires each in 3 slots and I never have a problem. If...