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  1. idkwhattodo

    How does your store handle TL coverage re: payroll plan?

    I feel like a team member most days to be honest, but I don’t expect coverage and hours to ever get better, so I’ve just excepted it.
  2. idkwhattodo

    MEGATHREAD New POS (post-cutover)

    ya’ll ignore me i asked this in the wrong thread
  3. idkwhattodo

    Are the self-checkouts at your store "ten items or less." now?

    Four are at my store and four are not. They’re by different entrances, so grocery entrance is unlimited and other side is express per corporate. We’re also allowed to keep express closed unless backup is needed or peak times.
  4. idkwhattodo

    Backroom Accuracy Indicator (BAI)

    This isn’t BAI related, but my store has montels for their OPU hold space and it is the single most stupid decision I swear they could have ever made. It already slows down pulls, but literally makes drive up rushes awful and a little dangerous.
  5. idkwhattodo

    Service & Engagement New SCO Pilot

    I’m also at a multi SCO bank store, so if AP calls me about a guest it’s so easy to just shut them all down and force them to the register. It’s definitely been a lifesaver for that and saves the team the very awkward, “oh that didn’t scan correctly. let me help” conversation.
  6. idkwhattodo

    Service & Engagement New SCO Pilot

    I try to redirect big carts to the lanes, but I’m not counting. I’ve had a few people say, “ugh I definitely have like 20.” and I’ll just say, “close enough!” and if a big cart person gives me a hard time, I let them go. I’m more-so a “We do have lanes available if you’d rather!”
  7. idkwhattodo

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Leaders (PG45)

    Yeah true, but it still just felt weird receiving it from an ETL and a store that has only known me for a month and a half. My ETL also gave me the paper in the middle of TSC for anyone to hear and knowing that others were unhappy with their raises, I felt so uncomfortable.
  8. idkwhattodo

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Leaders (PG45)

    I recently promoted to a different store and they gave me 6%. I was genuinely so confused. I was a very good TM at my last store and always had DEO over the years, but I didn’t even expect a raise at my new store since I literally have only been in the position for almost 2 months at this store...
  9. idkwhattodo

    Promotion to TL - Pay

    I recently promoted internally and they gave me $8 on top of what I was making as a team member. Luckily, my HR was helpful and advocated for me. I just mentioned that I was already making a few bucks above TM base due to previous raises, so I didn’t want to lose that and that I had years of...
  10. idkwhattodo

    Service & Engagement New SCO Pilot

    Yep. My store has STILL been running SCO only. When our DSD walked in the other day, my SD tried to play it off like that clearly isn’t the case, but our near 80% SCO utilization absolutely tells the truth. Also, our DSD walked in 3 days later to only SCO open again and I wasn’t even there yet...
  11. idkwhattodo

    Service & Engagement New SCO Pilot

    Most likely. I came in this weekend for a mid shift. I clocked in and went right to the floor and was immediately met by my SD telling me it was unacceptable to have no cashiers on at that point of the day… TO FIND OUT SHE PULLED MY ONLY 2 CASHIERS TO FULFILLMENT. like be so for real.
  12. idkwhattodo

    Service & Engagement New SCO Pilot

    I’ve been getting killed because our SCO utilization is in the mid-high 70s still, but they literally schedule me one advocate and they have to man SCO. Unless I am on register or SCO my entire shift, which isn’t possible, we have no one scheduled for the checklanes. It’s insane. I know our...
  13. idkwhattodo

    Starbucks Drive Ups and the Double Tap

    We’ve even had some with location services turned on double tap for starbucks drive up. It will literally say 0 mins with starbucks and here is pressed within 30 seconds. It’s so annoying. Starbucks DU is very lowly rated at my store. Most of our guests rate us bad on that, but they still...
  14. idkwhattodo

    Who is in Charge Anyway?

    I’ve had kind of similar issues with closing procedures not being done correctly and a few other procedural 239 things being ignored or not done. I’ve kind of stopped caring at this point. I inform my leaders (they sometimes are the guilty party though). I’ve informed ETLs, AP, my SD (usually...
  15. idkwhattodo

    Service & Engagement Can I speak to a manager?: A front end thread

    this was working for us for a bit (this or a reboot usually fixed it), but lately it feels like every printer in my store has been extra temperamental and of course it’s the worst time of year for it to happen too.
  16. idkwhattodo

    Service & Engagement Can I speak to a manager?: A front end thread

    Yep. Constantly and lately our printers have been doing the “Printer Not Ready” for hours at a time. It’ll be semi fine all day and then we’re scrambling trying to find any printer that will show “Printer Ready.” I’m not sure if its a store specific network issue, but this time of year it is...
  17. idkwhattodo

    2023 New pilots?

    Exactly this. This caused sooooooooo many problems at my store. We were having vendors just leave almost daily and the amount of calls I got at GS from vendors waiting and waiting to be checked in was crazy. Our market isn’t close to receiving plus so many consumables call outs and just general...
  18. idkwhattodo

    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    I got a 4% DEO raise like I’ve luckily gotten in years past. My TL told me they were only able to give 2 people in the front end DEO this year, which they mentioned was less than last year. I know my TLs were unhappy with the raises/ process this year.
  19. idkwhattodo

    Hip printer issues

    this was happening to ours for awhile. if you get an alcohol wipe, you can try cleaning the roller and sensor inside and sometimes that fixes it or at least makes it a little better. the printers are finicky. once i find one that works well, i do not let anyone steal it from GS.
  20. idkwhattodo

    myDevice TC58

    I’m indifferent to them right now. The pickup app is a little glitchy especially trying to manually take out of hold and I’ve had issues with the phone app either not letting me transfer, screen going black, or dropping the call in the middle. The old devices have their quirks and problems too...