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  1. D

    target optical

    Yeah they're pretty much a monopoly. Not only do they own Sunglass Hut, but they own most of the brands that are sold in the store.
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    This is accurate I think. 95% of my shifts were closing, but when I occasionally did mid day shifts there seemed to be more micromanaging and pressure to get tasks done. Closing, it was recovery from the day and leaders usually leave you alone to get your work done. Unless you have an extreme...
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    Goodbye Target!

    And I've told all my coworkers the same thing, Target is going the way of Kmart. They're just a little more savvy, so they may last a little longer. But there's only so much squeezing out of the employees you can do before the business implodes on itself. Especially with the best, most hard...
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    Goodbye Target!

    Glad I'm not the only one. And although I said I'm not avoiding target as a protest or vendetta or anything, part of me doesn't want to give money to a company that doesn't treat their workers as well as I think they should be treated. But again, I just haven't been back to Target because I have...
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    I think you have the wrong thread
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    Goodbye Target!

    Also, I'll be honest, I don't want old employees talking to me to catch up or ask about my new job, or say they want me back or whatever. I wish nothing but the best for them, but I kinda just want to completely move on from that chapter of my life in a work sense. If I need to buy something, I...
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    Goodbye Target!

    I'll be honest, I haven't stepped foot in Target since my last day. Not a vendetta or anything against them, it's just the reason I ever bought anything from them in the first place was the discount. But I have a good affordable grocery store near my new office, and I signed up for Amazon Prime...
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    Target no longer accepting checks for red card payments in store

    I mean in the end they're both bank transfers from your checking account. If you have a checkbook, you have a debit card. So not a huge deal. This is good though because check fraud won't be an issue anymore.
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    Usually, stores do it because it's state law. So I'm a little surprised Kroger does it and your Target doesn't. My local Targets have unit prices.
  10. D

    Pay and benefits… this what I think it is?

    How long has this been the case? And is it something you had to opt into? Because I just quit last month after 11 years and I had no idea of this lol.
  11. D

    You know what time it is at Target when..

    They started playing that last month the last couple weeks before I quit. Good timing, I'm not a fan. Although they're a very talented group of musicians, I saw them open for Dave Matthews Band once. I've just never liked their songs too much.
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    AI at Target

    They can't even fix basic search on the Zebra. My hopes aren't high.
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    It's annoying, I know. But everything is data driven. August is the busiest month for book sales- And it's a huge jump up from July, that's why there's a huge jump in freight.
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    If kids have required summer reading, demand for books will go up, so they'll send more books over.
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    Different regions do it differently. June 27 is the last day at my local school district. Then starts again the first week of September.
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    "welcome to Target. Relax and enjoy the summertime vibes."

    One summer when the AC was REALLY messed up, I literally went in the freezer to cool down. Like every shift.
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    To be fair- K-12 schools are ending in a week. They will have required summer reading, so that probably explains the large shipment.
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    Rant : I'm a depressed cart attendant. Wanna move positions but nobody ever listens to me

    I know it's an old post, but regarding the headphones thing- there was a legal issue at my store because of a hazard involving a guest, and the cart attendant not hearing it. I'm leaving out tons of specifics intentionally for legal reasons, but if you have your headphones on, it's difficult to...