I do ad set for my store. I do it all except Tech and Style. I am the only one doing this so my Sunday's can get quite long. Escpecially for Circle week.
Not only is the Stanley being released on Sunday but so is the Diane Von Furstenerg collection. It will be a fun day on Sunday. Thankfully I will be doing the Ad set and not have to deal with them at the register.
My store uses paper bags for both drive up and pick up. But the front end it is bagless. We don't even have many red hand baskets because the guest take them home
See it is a vicious cycle. If closing TM's zoned and did reshop then the morning team could get right to work. But no we have to zone, reshop then we can think about pushing and doing 1for1's.
We are told paper schedule also. My store has the new one posted by Thursday. So there are 3 different weeks up. First one is the current week then next week and the 3 is the following week.
I should of said savings not discount. Only had the card for about 2 months. Will not get the debit card because I do not want 2 cards tied to the same bank account.
When I got mine they gave me a credit limit of 3500 but called them and asked them to lower it to 500. They thought I was strange asking that. But ended up closing account since the interest did not justify the discount
I also use the Mom look the Mom voice and the Mom finger. Some of my co-workers who are young ask me to take care of it since I am the "Mom" of the store.
I believe that some visits should be out of the blue. That way they know what the store actually looks like. Especially being Christmas and the amount of freight in the stockrooms do not get hidden away. I mean they know how much your store was delivered and when so why hide the stock