Archived M-delete?

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Nov 5, 2013
I know that M-delete is bad, but I never knew why. I heard that it affects backroom score. Does it have something to do with the baffles report??

P. S. On the backroom report, what do the percentages mean for LOCU, y-usage, and m-delete? My TL talks about them all the time but he never really explained what they meant.
If you have scanned every item in the location and can't find an item needed for the batch, M-Delete exposes a ghost. If you have not scanned every item in the location and you hit M-Delete, you have created a baffle.

Some leaders prefer that you LOCU the location rather than exposing an error (or creating one yourself) by using M-Delete. This allows errors to be fixed before the system can become aware of them, resulting in an artificially green location accuracy score.

I'm not all that familiar with the report, so an actual backroom person will have to answer that part.
M delete ( when used correctly) pinpoints the errors ( and most of the time the team member who made them) in the backroom. Etls. tls, don't like it to be used because it does just that...points out the errors which lowers the br score. So, by using locu, you are really fudging the numbers ( although this is what we are told to do and unless you are using it to purge and or update a location ) you are wiping the location clean and restoring it...thus fixing the error BUT also deleting the traces of whomever made the error to begin with. Logic would say if you know who is making the errors you could address it etc...but what do I know. The BR report breaks down how many pulls each person has done, their error rate, and then it breaks down what caused their errors. Y usage ( usually on pipo pallets and or one spot or asst. cases as most back room merchandise now has quanities ) means you said you took all of an item from location but you actually didn't. Locu, errors come usually come from scanning a location to wipe it clean and either forgetting to restore what was left in location and or forgetting to store some of the items left in the location. M delete errors are caused when you go to a location...scan it, scan everything in that location ( or at least you think) and you hit m enter m enter...which deletes everything in that location you didn't scan. So M delete errors mean you overlooked something when scanning the location and someone else came behind you ( at some point) doing a pull etc and scanned the item...relocating it..which then puts your name on the report . The errors are percentage based on your total number of pulls pulled so If you have a high number of pulls you may have more errors but a higher score than someone who pulled less and had less errors.
Question about this: Okay, so I get you're supposed to scan everything before you M-Delete. Does this include all quantities of the items?
No, just one of each will suffice.

If you're in something like grocery, hba, or cosmetics, it would be a good idea to look at all quantities and make sure there isn't a similar item hiding in it. Examples being a can of "no salt added" canned veggie in the middle of the regular version or different flavors of soup mixed together.
Thanks everyone! This was very informative!

One more question: Are the % under m-delete, y-usage, and locu the percentages that person's amount of usage to get rid of baffles?
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Thanks everyone! This was very informative!

One more question: Are the % under m-delete, y-usage, and locu the percentages that person's amount of usage to get rid of baffles?
No, its just a breakdown of your errors. Look at the report and see how your errors are broke down. IF most of them are caused by one thing Ie m delete...then you know to be more careful when using M delete. So on and so forth. Whatever, your errors are coming from just work on being more careful . For example if its M delete, make it a rule to always scan everything in the location twice before hitting m delete ( this is what I do ) I have found many times that when I am scanning everything the second time...I find something that I missed the first time which would had been an error if I had hit m delete after the first scan. Making errors happens to us all the fact that you are asking shows you care and that's something that seems to be in short supply.
No, just one of each will suffice.

If you're in something like grocery, hba, or cosmetics, it would be a good idea to look at all quantities and make sure there isn't a similar item hiding in it. Examples being a can of "no salt added" canned veggie in the middle of the regular version or different flavors of soup mixed together.

I wish more people understood this. I have to stomp my feet and yell 'separate the flavors' at least once a week
Question about this: Okay, so I get you're supposed to scan everything before you M-Delete. Does this include all quantities of the items?
I would scan EVERY item before m-deleting. It happens that a tm may scan items that look identical, but in reality have different DPCI's so that sales can be tracked. We often get checklane pulls that are full of items that do not belong there but sure look like they do. Batteries, kleenex, etc. ... it happens. We have also had tm's backstock all of the sizes of clothing under one DPCI. Scan it all to be accurate.
I just got written up or m-deleting. There were all legit. The item simply wasn't there. You'd think they'd go find who actally messing the items up >.>
I'm a PA and that's why i leave all the pulls in my coolers for the backroom TMs....
I also locu every location in the ambient, meat and produce coolers once a week and organize and sto the items back in.
Just because it doesn't show up on the report doesn't mean the TL doesn't know who caused the problem. My BR TL has a hawk eye for that kind of thing.
I'm a PA and that's why i leave all the pulls in my coolers for the backroom TMs....
I also locu every location in the ambient, meat and produce coolers once a week and organize and sto the items back in.
Wow that's a lot of work for you to do every week. Are your BR TM's that error prone when pulling?
I just got written up or m-deleting. There were all legit. The item simply wasn't there. You'd think they'd go find who actally messing the items up >.>
I don't understand why you were written up for doing best practice. Unless the write-up was for not following direction
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