Rehire after termination


Jan 20, 2025
I was terminated two weeks ago after working at the nearby Target DC for just over four years. I loved the job and was very good at it. Top three when it came to meeting production. Unfortunately, we had a horrible OM who came in two years into my tenure. She played favorites and had it in for certain people, myself included, for no good reason. We had a survey where everyone gave her bad marks. Nothing changed. Another survey was even instigated later on by a TM who had a relative in HR. Again, nothing changed.

I have many examples and remember all the details of my personal harassment as well as a few others. She also lied to me during my yearly review. I asked how many CAs I had, she said one. Turns out, I had two, so I was surprised when I got fired. I thought it ridiculous that I get fired for attendance when I only missed two overtime days. Before that, she had told me my prior miss would fall off in 30 days, which this was well after. The other two CA's were for minor safety violations back in March/April (one handed toss, letting go of a hand scanner wrong). I was there every day for my actual shift, never would VLE, didn't use my sick time like crazy to leave early like everyone else and, at the time of termination, had 60+ hours of vacation time I had built up.

Since I loved the actual job and most of my co-workers, I'd love to go back. Even more irritating is that a friend and current TM told me she heard the OM is leaving next month. I called HR to try and find out if I was blacklisted. She said they don't have that info there, but I could reapply. I asked how long I have to wait to reapply and she said I could do so immediately. I was under the impression I had to wait a certain amount of time to reapply? So, I've been left even more confused. Of course, I will, at the very least, wait to reapply once I get confirmation of her departure. But if anyone can perhaps give me a little more clarity, I'd appreciate it.
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Your ca’s are in workday. You could apply. Poor performance or safety is a red flag for spot.

but they can be very selective like anything else.

OM are not gonna write up their buddies for safety things, they'll look the other way. unless they have no choice of course.

some the attendance stuff sounds like some of the nonsense that happened to me. they will straight lie to/about you (it depends on the character of who is doing it, but at least many will). and think nothing of it. the call offs fall off after 30 days thing (then oh never mind, no they dont and you're accountable despite whatever we said) seemed like an orchestrated, possibly pyramid wide? attempt to trick people into calling in and then writing them up. at least as far as i can tell. great management.

idk how soon someone can be hired back is interesting to me. i don't think i've ever seen anyone hired back like two weeks later? that would be totally bizarre right? so whats the informal cooling off period? 6 months? a year? i mean, it just makes sense to me it should be like a year.

i know we've rehired a few people that worked here on the order of "years" ago. but i have no idea the shortest rehire times around all the depts etc.
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So the hiring is done purely at corporate now. But each DCs HR is still able to intervene.
Be warned that assuming corporate does accept an application and schedule you for orientation, your local DC's HR is able to veto that and deny you the job.

Happened to two guys I knew, one of which had even quit the job he had found (there was a year long gap between getting let go and reapplying) thinking he was getting back in to Target only to have that rug pulled out from under him.

I would not get your hopes up about reaplying. Still do it if you want to try, but operate under the assumption it will be a no.

If I am not mistaken, Target retains information on employees for 7 years, is that correct? So worst case in 7 years you can return to spot.
So the hiring is done purely at corporate now. But each DCs HR is still able to intervene.
Be warned that assuming corporate does accept an application and schedule you for orientation, your local DC's HR is able to veto that and deny you the job.

Happened to two guys I knew, one of which had even quit the job he had found (there was a year long gap between getting let go and reapplying) thinking he was getting back in to Target only to have that rug pulled out from under him.

I would not get your hopes up about reaplying. Still do it if you want to try, but operate under the assumption it will be a no.

If I am not mistaken, Target retains information on employees for 7 years, is that correct? So worst case in 7 years you can return to spot.
Who is supposed to conduct interviews?
Hiring is done at HQ. But your eligible for rehire at 6 months from your termination. It depends though on what your file says.

When you were terminated did you leave respectfully or did you make a scene? That could switch you to a red bar on the AP side meaning you'll never get hired? Did you have any performance or conduct CAs. Those could be in your file.

Also Idk who told you call offs fall off every 30 days but they're an idiot. TMs make up wild stuff. If you call off once a month that's 120-144 hours of accountable time if you're not backfilling with sick. If your consistently calling out on a Friday then you're trending and will get a CA. If you're calling out twice a month that 60-72 hours per quarter. There's probably a CA in your future.
Hiring is done at HQ. But your eligible for rehire at 6 months from your termination. It depends though on what your file says.

When you were terminated did you leave respectfully or did you make a scene? That could switch you to a red bar on the AP side meaning you'll never get hired? Did you have any performance or conduct CAs. Those could be in your file.

Also Idk who told you call offs fall off every 30 days but they're an idiot. TMs make up wild stuff. If you call off once a month that's 120-144 hours of accountable time if you're not backfilling with sick. If your consistently calling out on a Friday then you're trending and will get a CA. If you're calling out twice a month that 60-72 hours per quarter. There's probably a CA in your future.

they were saying 30 days at my building last year. heard straight from dept om. also heard same story from other dept tm's they were told same.

the later told it was retroactively changed to 6 months but purposefully no announcement was made (also a tm in another dept heard the same thing from another tm). but, this was one of the worst om's i've ever dealt with who was thankfully terminated for changing employees time cards

it seemed some building wide screwup or tbh a plot to see who would take advantage then give them ca's. yes i know the latter sounds crazy but it makes the most sense given the info i received. HR was wild here...(this was a building having a ton of HR affairs etc). i also heard of a particular flaky hr om and that it the 30 day thing was their idea/policy (I think they were mistaken/incompetent/something)...they were kind of pushed out to another part of the company some time ago but it sounds about right that this HR OM in particular would just not know what they were talking about. guess i'll never know the full story except dont trust spot on reliability saying something that sounds too good to be true.

local can veto a hire jives with with an example i saw. rehire thought they got the job then told otherwise.
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Your ca’s are in workday. You could apply. Poor performance or safety is a red flag for spot.

I definitely did not have poor performance. Many people considered me the best. The lead would also occasionally put me with slower people to push them. One girl, he specifically told me to "bust her ass". The safety stuff were typical things you do on reflex/instinct, nothing major, but they were out for blood.

Did you report the personal harassment before you were fired?
I did not beyond discussing it with fellow team members. We all knew the score. I did mention the favoritism and feelings of improper leadership in the surveys. I am not big on confrontation and would generally just take the harassment in stride.
When you were terminated did you leave respectfully or did you make a scene? That could switch you to a red bar on the AP side meaning you'll never get hired? Did you have any performance or conduct CAs. Those could be in your file.

Also Idk who told you call offs fall off every 30 days but they're an idiot. TMs make up wild stuff. If you call off once a month that's 120-144 hours of accountable time if you're not backfilling with sick. If your consistently calling out on a Friday then you're trending and will get a CA. If you're calling out twice a month that 60-72 hours per quarter. There's probably a CA in your future.
I left respectfully. Again, I'm not a confrontational type. No performance or conduct CAs.

It was actually the OM herself who told me about the call offs falling off every 30 days. That, plus her lying to me about how many CAs I had is why I'm sure she wanted me gone. She came up one night and said my overtime call in would be a CA much to my surprise. I wasn't fired until more than two weeks later. Is the waiting 6 months to reapply a definite? HR told me I could immediately, someone else told me after 30 days.

I will say, a friend of mine has worked up there three or four separate times, all within my four years of working there. He quit at least two of those and yet was still rehired. I just don't see how he would be rehired repeatedly, but I get the short end of the stick.

I appreciate all the input.
I definitely did not have poor performance. Many people considered me the best. The lead would also occasionally put me with slower people to push them. One girl, he specifically told me to "bust her ass". The safety stuff were typical things you do on reflex/instinct, nothing major, but they were out for blood.

I did not beyond discussing it with fellow team members. We all knew the score. I did mention the favoritism and feelings of improper leadership in the surveys. I am not big on confrontation and would generally just take the harassment in stride.

I left respectfully. Again, I'm not a confrontational type. No performance or conduct CAs.

It was actually the OM herself who told me about the call offs falling off every 30 days. That, plus her lying to me about how many CAs I had is why I'm sure she wanted me gone. She came up one night and said my overtime call in would be a CA much to my surprise. I wasn't fired until more than two weeks later. Is the waiting 6 months to reapply a definite? HR told me I could immediately, someone else told me after 30 days.

I will say, a friend of mine has worked up there three or four separate times, all within my four years of working there. He quit at least two of those and yet was still rehired. I just don't see how he would be rehired repeatedly, but I get the short end of the stick.

I appreciate all the input.
It's definitely 6 months before they'll even consider your application. It could be longer before they hire you. And if there's anything in your file you're not rehireable at all. It's 100% a guessing game if they'll hire you back.

I would look for something else in the meantime while you try to come back.
And if there's anything in your file you're not rehireable at all.

what does anything in your file mean? cant be like ca's right, as obviously OP has them.

i know a lady who's husband worked here a few months or maybe a yr or 2. everybody liked him. this was years ago. he ended up getting fired i dont even remember why. she's still here. when i asked her if they were going to hire him back recently. she said something to the effect she doesnt know what the om put in his file (implying it must have been something pretty bad), but he has applied several times and they wont hire him back.

but then i've also heard like everything else seemingly at target the not rehirable flag (if there is such a mythical thing?) can be ignored if they feel like it.

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