I'm Lost! GSA Duties

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No Longer Employed by Target
Dec 29, 2013
What exactly is expected of a GSA?

Particularly anything somewhat obscure that people may not realize until they have worked as a GSA.

I've been working at Target since May, and have debated whether I'd enjoy working as a GSA or GSTL, I am not sure I meet the requirements though to be made GSTL, whereas I think I do for GSA.

Currently I am just a "cashier" officially, ie. not a trainer, and not a GSA, but I more often than not work at guest service, and it's not particularly uncommon for the Sr. TL that often works as a GSTL (he also regularly works as LOD though) to give me GSTL keys when he is running the front end.
Check out the GSTL/GSA and Cash Office guides in the Guides section. GSA responsibilities can vary by store, but the guides will give you a general idea.
How many GSTL/GSA's does a store typically have employed at one time?

We have 1 GSTL, there were two, but the second now oversee starbucks primarily. We have 3 "primary" GSA's, who usually are scheduled to run the front end alongside the GSTL, then a Sr. TL who sometimes functions as GSTL, and a GSA that mostly works in food ave, but covers for other GSA's if someone calls in., or leaves early, etc. alongside 1 other who I have never seen scheduled a GSA shift, but who does have GSTL privilege set at least as she can enter supervisor override codes, etc.

Quite likely that they don't need anymore for the foreseeable future, but I would certainly prefer having at least GSTL privileges so that I don't need to call over a GSA/GSTL every time a price match is more than $20 cheaper than what our price is, or because I need to post void something. I can't imagine trust would be an issue since as is, when I call over a GSA/GSTL and ask them to enter a supervisor override they typically do so without even looking to see what they're overriding, and if I ask them to post void something they usually just log on and walk away leaving me to do the void and then log out of their account and back in on my own afterwards.
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