How are you enjoying it?

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>start working for a company
>Company let's men in the women's restroom
>We lose hours
I fully support allowing transgender to use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. Target is adding family bathrooms for every store currently without then so snowflakes don't have to share with anyone.

My hours aren't effected. I'm worth it and my team leads know it. I negotiated to keep my pay and hours when I moved from pa to signing tm. Not everyone's worth is the same, nor does their store make sales like mine does. Payroll/sales is a thing not just at target. Its quarter one and its always lean for hours.
I highly doubt that's what caused the lack of hours. That's like the people saying the 'strike' on Starbucks put their stock down. No. It's already recovered 75% of the loss.

Don't let the vocal few skew your perception.
I highly doubt that's what caused the lack of hours. That's like the people saying the 'strike' on Starbucks put their stock down. No. It's already recovered 75% of the loss.

Don't let the vocal few skew your perception.
What are you looking through the whole time you're at work, a kaleidoscope?
Haven't noticed any loss of hours at my store.
You can't really generalize it like that just because your store is down on hours. I'm in the Midwest, in a solidly conservative area, and people in this area are smart enough to not give a shit about trivial stuff that has no effect on their lives.
If you want my opinion... Target has a certain Target demographic of shoppers. They are generally going to be better educated, wealthier, younger, more liberal etc than shoppers of competitors. Target is generally going to remain unaffected by supporting a civil rights issue, as generally the type of people who oppose civil rights equality are the exact opposite of the list above.
I live in Alaska, one of the reddest of red states.
The last time we voted for a Democrat president was Johnson against Goldwater and we inflicted Sarah Palin on the rest of you but we also have an Independent for governor now.

The people here are very live and let live.
There is a small group of activist assholes who protest things like Spots policy but the average Alaskan tends to look on them with more like pity.
Target does just fine up here, even the one further out in the more conservative area.
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