Archived Just Wanted To Say I'm Sorry

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
For any mean thing I might have said about you guys, for the badly wrapped signing pallets that crushed my signs, the over-sized pallets that could have easily been turned into two regular ones with a little imagination, for the stacking of heavy fixtures on top of light styrofoam signs.

Found out today that not only do you guys not only have nothing to do with wrapping the frelling things but you hate them as much as I do.

So, once again, sorry for the misplaced frustration.
I'll start cursing at the right people now.
Out of shear curiosity, who does take care of the wrapping and loading of signing pallets onto our trailers? I've been misinformed as well and thought up until now that the DC loaded them on so I too am sorry.
The DC(outbound) does load the non-merch onto the trailer, but they come to us already palletized and wrapped from an outside vendor.
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