Archived New to the Breakroom, hello!

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The Red Boy
Sep 30, 2014
Hello. Target front-end team member here, posting for the first time after lurking around for a couple of months. Been with Target for a few months now, love my store and my coworkers overall, but reading peoples' experiences and stories has really been interesting and reaffirming (yes, I'm not the only one who now hates the sight of Coffemate creamers! I'm not alone!).

Hopefully I can contribute with what little knowledge I have acquired so far. Nice to be working with you all!

A little about me: I love The Simpsons and the Monster trail mix from Archer Farms, I actually had to stop buying it because I eat the entire bag in 1-2 sittings and each bag is like 8 servings. That's it. That's the gist of who I am as a whole.
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
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