Pulling case packs

May 6, 2020
Why does Target require me to pull a whole case of item then back stock most of it.

Apparently they make OPUs pull them that way.

Some of my aisles are set up that way including the ones 10 feet off the floor.

My TL said they monitor this as a metric which means I can't exit the priority pull batch and pull it as a one-for-one.

This make no sense to me.
It should always ask you to pull the open stock of that item first. If there is no open stock then it'll ask you to pull case stock. It wants you to pull the whole case and backstock the remaining in an open Waco lower so that there isn't any open boxes up top.
This happens to me all the time; being told to pull 14 items in a priority pull and only 2 fit. Even after auditing the counts on the floor correctly and backstocking the extras, it goes right back to making someone pull 12 items. It's extremely annoying
Anytime I have to pull more than 8 or so any item I skip it. I then look at the item again while on the floor to make sure it is right.

Complicating this is at my store the priority pulls ask me to pull to 100% not 75%.

I have mentioned this to my TL constantly for the last year but he ignores me. That problem started conveniently after our inventory and remodel last year.

Actually after our last inventory (which was a train wreck) he told me not to worry about it "because I get paid by the hour"!
Because you're supposed to try pushing the whole casepack and backstock the extra. It's not safe or efficient to backstock individual items where you need a ladder to get them in most areas. This was best practice for years before the "caseless" mess. It'll pull whatever you need from openstock first, unless it thinks the whole case will go out or there isn't enough in an openstock location.
Is the backroom location set for case pack or open stock. If the location is set for case pack and not open stock it will pull the case. I don't remember how to change the location from case pack to open stock and vice versa.
Is the backroom location set for case pack or open stock. If the location is set for case pack and not open stock it will pull the case. I don't remember how to change the location from case pack to open stock and vice versa.
Too Location management , backroom , group
My TL wants them to still pull case packs on those shelves and just reset them.

So if that location has less than a full case do you still have to pull all of them.

For example if a full case is 12 but there is only 8 left will it still have me pull what is left in the case?
My TL wants them to still pull case packs on those shelves and just reset them.

So if that location has less than a full case do you still have to pull all of them.

For example if a full case is 12 but there is only 8 left will it still have me pull what is left in the case?
Yes it will have you pull up to the full case amount and in this scenario it would be 8. If you want it to pull just what it wants then it would been to be grouped open stock. Grouping it to open is not best practice anymore so they may not like it if you do. Anything above 6 feet should be classified as upper which is for full cases
Yes it will have you pull up to the full case amount and in this scenario it would be 8. If you want it to pull just what it wants then it would been to be grouped open stock. Grouping it to open is not best practice anymore so they may not like it if you do. Anything above 6 feet should be classified as upper which is for full cases
Grouping it to open is not best practice anymore so they may not like it if you do.

Why is this a best practice?

I normally don't go up to the top of the wall because I normally have to pull just one item.

I have to either use either the WAVE and move the 12 foot tall ladder all the time.

The Montel Movable Walls killed off most of the sliding ladders.

They are actually "re-profiling" some the the locations with the movable walls.

It's like they can't figure out why it takes so long to do pulls.
Grouping it to open is not best practice anymore so they may not like it if you do.

Why is this a best practice?

I normally don't go up to the top of the wall because I normally have to pull just one item.

I have to either use either the WAVE and move the 12 foot tall ladder all the time.

The Montel Movable Walls killed off most of the sliding ladders.

They are actually "re-profiling" some the the locations with the movable walls.

It's like they can't figure out why it takes so long to do pulls.
Closed stock cases is much safer above 6 feet. Caseless was always meant to be under 6 feet. So if anything above it is supposed to pull the whole case that way ypu can take the one you need and then backstock the rest lower. I don't have movable walls but I'd imagine that is even more of a reason to have product stored in a nice square box.
Except in some cases (ooh, bad pun), having a caseless back room actually worked. (I do OTC and Personal Care.) I don't need closed case shelves except when I'm getting in a lot of product for new sets, and then I'd just stash it in big clumps where it was convenient. A lot of my product arrives in repacks, so there's no case to start with. Almost the only times I needed to use top shelves was after the seasonal "wellness" set was taken down and I had way too much of all that stuff to even fit in wacos, but by then it was already out of the cases of course. I'm still bemoaning how much space I lost with the back room revision.
It didn't help that after our remodel we lost a lot of storage in the back.

Of course a couple of years ago our store was supposed to go "ladderless" and that went no where.

We use ladders even more now than ever because of the movable aisles.

They actually "re-profiling (i.e resetting WACO locations I presume) in some of the movable aisles now.

It's like Target didn't seem to grasp it takes longer to pull and back ock because have to move our 12 foot ladders all the time or use a powered lift.

I did the movable wall training video and it stated we were supposed to have 8 Foot ladders but our store was too cheap to buy them.
Part of the process now is to make upper locations case pack ahead of a fulfillment logic switch that will have you prioritize pulling an item that is in upper case stock or bulk from the sales floor instead of the backroom.
It didn't help that after our remodel we lost a lot of storage in the back.

Of course a couple of years ago our store was supposed to go "ladderless" and that went no where.

We use ladders even more now than ever because of the movable aisles.

They actually "re-profiling (i.e resetting WACO locations I presume) in some of the movable aisles now.

It's like Target didn't seem to grasp it takes longer to pull and back ock because have to move our 12 foot ladders all the time or use a powered lift.

I did the movable wall training video and it stated we were supposed to have 8 Foot ladders but our store was too cheap to buy them.
"Ladderless" because of repeated falls/lawsuits. Everything ,everywhere, all the time is about the bottom line.
Part of the process now is to make upper locations case pack ahead of a fulfillment logic switch that will have you prioritize pulling an item that is in upper case stock or bulk from the sales floor instead of the backroom.
I was told that fulfillment TMs can opt to pull from lower location case packs or the sales floor, not upper location case packs (unless the floor is empty and that's the only choice).
"Ladderless" because of repeated falls/lawsuits. Everything ,everywhere, all the time is about the bottom line.
Workplace injuries are expensive in a lot of ways, and not just to the employer. But yes, anything that effects the bottom line is going to be a concern. However, it's not difficult to avoid ladder-related injuries if one is careful and uses the ladder properly. (Said by someone who sometimes over-reaches and once sort of fell off one of the little stepladders because I forgot I was standing on it while working on an end cap. No injury, thankfully! Nothing like a close call to make me more cautious.)
I was told that fulfillment TMs can opt to pull from lower location case packs or the sales floor, not upper location case packs (unless the floor is empty and that's the only choice).
The logic is openstock > lower casepack > salesfloor > upper casepack > bulk

But this all only works if things are profiled correctly and stocked correctly. If TMs are still backstocking cases in openstock, this doesn't fix anything.
When your backroom starts to look like some creature out of cat in the hat stacked wibbly wobbly to the ceiling ..... caseless just needs to work.