Archived Question about Grocery Pay.

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Jan 7, 2015
I was just wondering if anyone got a pay increase or an upgrade to a new paygrade when the new market rollout happened? If so, how much and when did it finally take effect on your pay stub?
I was told it was a 50 cent raise. I've been on the market team as of 3 weeks ago but my payrate from my paycheck today remains unchanged. I'll have to talk to HR about this.
I went from a backroom TM to a PA and got a $0.50 raise. Not sure if anyone else got a raise for moving to the market team as pushers
well a PA gets .50 cent SO there that.

as for a team, its a,logistics work center so if you were logistics nothing. if you werent then likely .50 or however much you would need to get yourself to the logistics starting rate.
No one got a raise except myself since I took the extra PA position. I went from N05 -> N09 and it was $.75

Honest opinion everyone doing the market rollout Deserves a raise since it is so much heavy labor, multitasking and high communication.
For whatever reason only the 3 new market guys we hired the past 2 weeks have the 50 cent increase while the existing pfresh and flow TMs that have formed into the market group have not received any raise yet.
I was told a dollar and I'm still not getting the dollar

At my store we were also told that it would be a dollar raise. All of the market team members have received the dollar and the new hires got bumped up a dollar as well. While all of that is great, none of the PAs (me and 3 others) have gotten any raise. The PAs have new tasks, most of which are similar to the new tasks that regular market team members have. We are all confused about why these similar tasks only constitute a raise for regular team members and not PAs.

Before the rollout happened, our TL and ETL of market told us that EVERYONE would get the raise. Now that the rollout is here, we are finding out that what they said is not true. We feel like an implied contract was entered into and that HR should be required to give us a raise as well.

What do you guys think?
At my store we were also told that it would be a dollar raise. All of the market team members have received the dollar and the new hires got bumped up a dollar as well. While all of that is great, none of the PAs (me and 3 others) have gotten any raise. The PAs have new tasks, most of which are similar to the new tasks that regular market team members have. We are all confused about why these similar tasks only constitute a raise for regular team members and not PAs.

Before the rollout happened, our TL and ETL of market told us that EVERYONE would get the raise. Now that the rollout is here, we are finding out that what they said is not true. We feel like an implied contract was entered into and that HR should be required to give us a raise as well.

What do you guys think?
be careful what you ask for... monkeys can do your job, well at least eat the rotten bananas and all the qmos .
At my store we were also told that it would be a dollar raise. All of the market team members have received the dollar and the new hires got bumped up a dollar as well. While all of that is great, none of the PAs (me and 3 others) have gotten any raise. The PAs have new tasks, most of which are similar to the new tasks that regular market team members have. We are all confused about why these similar tasks only constitute a raise for regular team members and not PAs.

Before the rollout happened, our TL and ETL of market told us that EVERYONE would get the raise. Now that the rollout is here, we are finding out that what they said is not true. We feel like an implied contract was entered into and that HR should be required to give us a raise as well.

What do you guys think?
I have to check my pay. I think it's finally added. I'm done with market at the end of the week for now. My ETL told me I'd only be helping for 4 weeks, til they got more bodies. She told me I would be keeping the pay increase as well and I'll be market backup. Like how I used to be scheduled to help pfresh on truck days. I'm SFS all next week, and I'll probably be until the end of 4Q
My team found out that they wouldn't be receiving the raise they were promised so tensions are high. I was the only one actually going to get it but of course someone "forgot to submit paperwork" so I'm left with no raise and less hours. Yay me!
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