Archived Really Proud Of Target TMs

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Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
This happened to a friend of mine who is Muslim.
When I read her post I was so damned proud of my TMs at Spot.
You guys rock.
It happened in NJ so if any of you are doing AP in NJ, thank you so much.
Went to Target today with my 3 kids, Ibby was sitting in the cart.
As we walk in an older white lady says under her breath "muslim devils" I hold my breath and let it go since I had the kids with me.
We go into the snack aisle and there she is.
We end up going through two aisle together.
As i'm getting out the aisle she pushes another cart into mine and hits Ibby!
I went off on her and said she could have hurt my baby!
then she starts yelling "stop following me! i'm reporting you"
I told her please go ahead the truth will speak for itself.
Another gentlemen who witnessed everything was sticking up for me and told the lady he saw her hit my cart w the baby inside.
Then she tells me "F your devil baby I don't care about it!"
So the gentlemen along with another family started yelling at her telling her we will not stand for racist people.
She then turns to us all and says "go back to your country! Do you have a greencard!?"
An employee hears everything, calls management and security.
They tell her she is not aloud to purchase her items and must leave their store immediately!
They also marked her as a "trespasser" so she is NEVER aloud to shop at that target again!

And those who stood up.
Thank you for doing the right thing and standing up for what's right!
When we got in the car I talked to kids about what happened. Talha said "this is because of Trump!" and Hanan said "i was shaking"
:( I don't ever want my kids to feel scared in THEIR country!
What a horrible feeling that must be.
I told them that we should always stand for what's right, even if we are scared, and that Allah is by our side. On the drive home we all sang "im not afraid to stand alone" from Native Deen and everyone felt much better
I had a similar incident not long ago with a guest in my store who complained about a cashier of mine based on her race. I watched the woman walk way around her register to avoid that line and then came up to me and said "her people" are ruining our country and taking our jobs. She was cursing and saying how we need to kick them all out.

This team member's ethnicity....Native American.
But they now feel emboldened to crawl out from under their rocks, spew their hate publicly, and assault children.

Is that really the case though? I feel pretty skeptical about that. I wonder more if it feels that way because it's what news sources have turned their focus on, so you just hear more stories like this. Ironically, I think the feeling that this has become more common, is what makes this more common.
My experience tells me it is the case. In the past year, I have had a guest refuse to have a drink made by one of my baristas, another announce that she was "sick of being jewed out of her gift cards," and another who thought it was fine to tell me how "disgusting" a multi racial family was.
My experience tells me it is the case. In the past year, I have had a guest refuse to have a drink made by one of my baristas, another announce that she was "sick of being jewed out of her gift cards," and another who thought it was fine to tell me how "disgusting" a multi racial family was.

Yeah, but who can say whether that would have happened or not with this past election? It's anecdotal evidence. I've had experiences like this before too, and it was way before Trump. Old white ladies complaining about a coworker with a heavy Spanish accent. Or refusing to shop at our store because certain products had coupons on them written in Spanish.

It's hard to get any statistical data to compare this kind of stuff. I get we're all feeling the hostility, but I think it's foolish to think it's a new thing.
another announce that she was "sick of being jewed out of her gift cards"

A coworker I am close with found out I am Jewish back around the holidays. Wanted to know why I never shared that. It's because of comments like the above. As a kid, I was told Jews weren't allowed in one of my friend's homes, but they made an exception cause they got to know me. Wth? I'm so glad I was raised not to be prejudiced. I read the story the OP shared the other day. Kudos to the tms in that store!
Its a nice story, if it is true. I have a feeling this story is made up, it reads like something a Democratic anti trump group would make up to try to help their cause.

I was born in New Jersey, and lived here my whole life. There are racist people around, but not openly so to do what this story says.
Its a nice story, if it is true. I have a feeling this story is made up, it reads like something a Democratic anti trump group would make up to try to help their cause.

I was born in New Jersey, and lived here my whole life. There are racist people around, but not openly so to do what this story says.

I know the woman who it happened to.
I will admit to having cleaned it up a little bit since she wrote it as a brick of text right after it happened.

I'm a Jew so I have to admit my antenna is a bit sensitive on this subject. The increase in anti-Semitism is an established fact. The destruction of Jewish cemeteries and graffiti on the walls of shuls have become common occurrences.
This kind of evil has been around for ever but lately the scumbags seem to be emboldened.
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Yeah, but who can say whether that would have happened or not with this past election? It's anecdotal evidence. I've had experiences like this before too, and it was way before Trump. Old white ladies complaining about a coworker with a heavy Spanish accent. Or refusing to shop at our store because certain products had coupons on them written in Spanish.

It's hard to get any statistical data to compare this kind of stuff. I get we're all feeling the hostility, but I think it's foolish to think it's a new thing.
Ugh, that reminds me. I was on the phone with a TM who I also happen to be friends with. He was sick and calling out. I said one word to him in Spanish and heard the guest who had approached the fitting room scoff and then say, "Target should really hire people who speak English" before walking into the the rooms. I did the whole "Did those items work out for you?" when she came back out, but she didn't reply, just tossed them on the desk.
I'm not gonna go ahead and defend trump or anything, but people seem to think that just because he wants to brick wall (quite literally) illegal immigration that he's racist. Yeah he's said some stupid shit during the past election, but you tell me where he makes it clear that he dislikes mexicans, or muslims.
you tell me where he makes it clear that he dislikes mexicans, or muslims.
Naw, he doesn't dislike Mexicans or Muslims.
Why he hires quite a LOT of Mexicans during construction of his various hotels/resorts & his sons were in Dubai conducting family business so no, he doesn't dislike Mexicans or Muslims as long as they serve their purpose to him.
And then the entire store clapped
Good on them! Interestingly, this talk of it seeming like these sentiments are ramping up made me think...maybe some of you are too young, but our country has been on this path since 9/11. What you see as something new I see as having been happening for 16 years. Are people emboldened? I don't know, jerks are jerks and don't need Trump to be vocal. Fortunately for every person with the audacity to be a jerk, there are so many more willing to call them on it.

And, take a trip back 100 years to the NINA days (no Irish need apply). It was actually written into job listings in the paper. There was huge anti-Irish sentiment in this country. So, are we changing as a society? I think I can honestly answer yes (because we now call people out on their bullshit) and no (because we are still dealing with racism).
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And for every time someone is called out on such behavior, others will tsk-tsk about 'political correctness' & accuse others of being 'too sensitive'.
One of my grandmothers was raised in a super-genteel generation &, what others call 'political correctness' she would have called 'civility'.
Just prior to her death, she lamented the rise of social 'incivility'.
I think of that term whenever someone throws around the 'political correctness' label.
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