Archived STL/ETL stereotypes and archetypes

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Nov 20, 2017
After the unexpected popularity of my STL types post in the other thread, I thought it would be fun to make a thread where we can describe all the typical types and traits of the STLs and ETLs that we've seen. I think Target actually goes out of its way to search for and hire these people on purpose lol.

to my original list I should add:

- the "globetrotter" STL is rarely in the store because he's always out of town on vacation, probably in the French Riviera. As many stickers on his suitcase as there are digits in his salary. Has been kicked out of several casinos in Monaco.

- the "Butt Pirate of Silicon Valley" wears a red turtleneck and always carries the latest model iPhone in homage to his idol Steve Jobs. Tries to be ~QUIRKY~ and ~UNCONVENTIONAL~ like same, or at least wishes he could get away with verbally abusing his people like Jobs did. This one is gunning for a high level job at the Cupertino campus so he can do exactly that. He feels stuck at Target Corp with its lack of innovation and embarrassingly small market cap.

- the "Baritone Butch" really puts the "scissor" in "scissor lift". She can switch between intimidating and cool on the fly as she feels is necessary. Considered a career in law enforcement but ultimately ended up at Target because being with a LEO would conflict with her wife's political views. She has definitely broken several of her knuckles on several jaws. Wears rings on her fingers because brass knuckles would raise some eyebrows. Chain smokes menthols.

- the "two-faced babyface" is usually a chick in her early 20s who interacts with the other leads like a normal person (telling stories, laughing, making random small talk) but acts cold and disinterested when talking to TMs. She isn't -exactly- what you would call a bitch, but it's like her sense of humor shuts off if a non-salaried person talks to her. It's like her own bizarre concept of professionalism, I guess?

Feel free to add your own!
Is useless tool an option?

I had to explain what a rack alarm was to mine, how to input a TPC, and how to print the e-batch among other things.
- the “frat boy”. Fresh out of college 1st year ETL. Ignores you when you say hi to them. Comes up to you in the middle of your task to tell you to do something else that usually makes no sense. Gossips about other TMs with you. When you ask him to have your back with a guest will just do want the guest wants without hesitating, making you look dumb.

Yes this is personal
The "Tweeter" one who does work just to post it online or will often post someone else's work just to kiss ass to the DTL. Everything that is done is not for the guest but for their social media account. Will often tag every boss possible.
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The "Spoiled Brat" who is fresh out of college and has a superiority complex. Never worked a day in her life prior to Target and her degree is essentially useless in the real world. Sucks up to the other ETLs and looks down upon everyone else. Adamantly refuses to account for any information given by those she deems beneath her. It doesn't matter that it's 11:59 am on a weekend during 4th quarter, her POG pulls that she just dropped better be pulled before the noon CAFs because "I'm the LOD and I said so."

Very personal. Fuck this cunt and the handful of other ETLs I worked with over the years that were just like her. Throwing her under the bus was one of the most satisfying moments in my Target career.
Chatty Kathy type. You might have to wait a minute or three to ask about anything on behalf of a guest if they’re giving the reshop update, calling for backup but talking so long that they don’t give anyone an opportunity to respond before they’re wailing “TeAm WhO’s ReSpOnDiNg To BaCkUp I dIdN’t HeAr AnY rEsPoNsEs” or just giving any sort of info that they really just should have gone to another channel to share since they’re so long winded. Guests will start laughing as you wait for a chance to get a word in edgewise over the walkie when they’re LOD. May be prone to giving the team out of the blue pep talks over the walkie like they’re some sort of cheerleader.
Chatty Kathy type. You might have to wait a minute or three to ask about anything on behalf of a guest if they’re giving the reshop update, calling for backup but talking so long that they don’t give anyone an opportunity to respond before they’re wailing “TeAm WhO’s ReSpOnDiNg To BaCkUp I dIdN’t HeAr AnY rEsPoNsEs” or just giving any sort of info that they really just should have gone to another channel to share since they’re so long winded. Guests will start laughing as you wait for a chance to get a word in edgewise over the walkie when they’re LOD. May be prone to giving the team out of the blue pep talks over the walkie like they’re some sort of cheerleader.

If I had a dime for everytime I had a Guest ask me, "How the hell do you listen to this shit everyday"? After a long walkie banter. I would probably have Tree Fiddy.
Chatty Kathy type. You might have to wait a minute or three to ask about anything on behalf of a guest if they’re giving the reshop update, calling for backup but talking so long that they don’t give anyone an opportunity to respond before they’re wailing “TeAm WhO’s ReSpOnDiNg To BaCkUp I dIdN’t HeAr AnY rEsPoNsEs” or just giving any sort of info that they really just should have gone to another channel to share since they’re so long winded. Guests will start laughing as you wait for a chance to get a word in edgewise over the walkie when they’re LOD. May be prone to giving the team out of the blue pep talks over the walkie like they’re some sort of cheerleader.

lmao. Our old STL was like this. On Black Friday he told everyone to stay off channel 1 as much as possible, and then spent all evening yapping on channel 1. I ended up pulling my phone out and texting the ETL-LOG instead.
“The black panther” usually a “strong black woman” who will spend hours talking about how she got to where she’s at, and tell you yo suck it up when you complain, cause you don’t know what its like to go through real struggle. Doesn’t do anything that’s remotely productive, but can never get in trouble because BLM.
The "two-faced snake" type who acts nice to your face but talks sh*t about you behind your back. Likes to complain about how annoying or dumb so-and-so was being. Backstabs their leader "besties" to a higher-level leader in attempt to make themselves look better. Gossips about other people's personal business to their buddies within their clique of favorites.
The "two-faced snake" type who acts nice to your face but talks sh*t about you behind your back. Likes to complain about how annoying or dumb so-and-so was being. Backstabs their leader "besties" to a higher-level leader in attempt to make themselves look better. Gossips about other people's personal business to their buddies within their clique of favorites.
I thought we were discussing different stereotypes, not 90% of them.
"I just want to make money." Obviously uncomfortable being a boss, they just wanted a better wage.
These are the worst. You try to teach them and they're useless. They are the stereotypical equivalent of the Target ETL Intern.
The ETL that is a male that can fill their eyebrows in better than you can. He's usually tall af and bi-racial. Likes current/newly released music, only. Hates President Trump. Coffee snob. Skinny khakis. Tight fitting red tee shirt. Let's you get away with murder because you're cool with him and don't make his life miserable. Bamf at his job. You know when this is your LOD that you're getting out on TIME tonight!

The ETL that has all the stories, and talks the talk... but doesn't ever really walk the walk. They've got the street cred, and the wisdom, and the knowledge .. but they do jack-all when they're the LOD.

The ETL that isn't even in soft lines... whom spends every waking minute zoning soft-lines.
Dude gtfo of soft lines.

The ETL that is one step ahead of everyone and is hands down the most encouraging, kind, understanding person you've ever met. Surprise-orders pizza for the closing crew, blast to work for/with. Pretty straight-laced, but has a number. Figure it out and they regularly sentence you to a shift of ease doing small tasks for them. Enjoyable to work for, regardless, though.
I thought we were discussing different stereotypes, not 90% of them.

I was going by what can't touch this wrote:
I thought it would be fun to make a thread where we can describe all the typical types and traits of the STLs and ETLs that we've seen. I think Target actually goes out of its way to search for and hire these people on purpose lol.

2Spooky4U - If 90% of them seem like a snake type to you, wouldn't it actually fit under "typical types and traits of the STLs and ETLs that we've seen?" If only a tiny percentage of them were like that, then it would not be considered typical. Also, doesn't the fact that so many of these leaders at your store seem that way make you feel like as if "Target goes out of its way to search for and hire these people on purpose?"
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The "deer in the headlights" ETL who is in charge of food areas, who when being told what potential steritech violations he has in his areas and what you need from him to get the team/areas back on track, spaces out, clearly doesn't listen, and then tries to blame it on you when the inevitable violations happen

Fuck this etl in particular
We have the “ball of sunshine but possibly snorts coke in their car before work” STL. Always on 150% energy and enthusiasm, actually runs around the store. When they’re LOD, everyone turns their walkies down to half volume because they literally scream. Yells so much that if there was ever an actual emergency no one would come. Pretty much lives in the store, might as well keep a mattress under their desk during Q4. Doesn’t drink coffee so no one has really any clue where this comes from every day. Is probably actually dying on the inside.
The "two-faced snake" type who acts nice to your face but talks sh*t about you behind your back. Likes to complain about how annoying or dumb so-and-so was being. Backstabs their leader "besties" to a higher-level leader in attempt to make themselves look better. Gossips about other people's personal business to their buddies within their clique of favorites.

The team I work with is all like that. 90 percent women who gossip all day. The TL is the worst gossip of the whole department.
2Spooky4U - If 90% of them seem like a snake type to you, wouldn't it actually fit under "typical types and traits of the STLs and ETLs that we've seen?" If only a tiny percentage of them were like that, then it would not be considered typical. Also, doesn't the fact that so many of these leaders at your store seem that way make you feel like as if "Target goes out of its way to search for and hire these people on purpose?"​
I was being snarky and facetious.

Although on the topic of the matter, let me start off by saying I am just a team member. I only know and understand so much of the inner workings that it takes to run a store. Given my time with Spot, I've experienced firsthand some incredibly catty and two-faced leaders. This is merely what I've experienced, and hearing from many of you I think it's a case where my store just has a very petty culture.
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ETL: "The cheerleader." I need no more explanation than that.

ETL: "Look at my 16 month old baby!" Cute, but I just suck at baby small talk.
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