Voting, election, time off

Sep 25, 2019
Are the stores allowing employees time off to vote? Are they taking safety precautions to protect employees and assets on election day?
Are the stores allowing employees time off to vote? Are they taking safety precautions to protect employees and assets on election day?
If you can’t vote on Election Day, That’s why you do early voting. Simple.
To the last half of your question, I am working very late on Tuesday and am terrified. I know my team leads, though they do stupid shit often, will keep us safe and if needed send everyone home early, but damn. Either way this goes it wont be pretty
I'm off before the polls close and I'm very grateful. I just want to be at home when the sh*t hits the fan.
Also, no reason to even leave the house if you didn't want to...we voted by mail. Connecticut sent absentee ballot requests to the house, and you can also print them off the computer. Sent them in and got our ballots a week or so later. Props to the USPS for mailing out cards reminding people about the option of mail-in voting as well.
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gsa4 That sounds very reasonable. Any inclination which direction corporate is leaning? Not that it matters, just curious.
gsa4 That sounds very reasonable. Any inclination which direction corporate is leaning? Not that it matters, just curious.
Corporate is left even though it knows being right would be more beneficial to them. 15/hr is very left for example.
Left vs right: corp will be whatever benefits business.
Years back Target came under fire when a corp leader donated to the PAC of a candidate who was known to be anti-LGBTQ (but business-friendly). Guests came in with cut-up red cards, others demanded to close their accounts, etc.
Then the shit hit the fan in the other direction with the potty piss-capade & we had fundies from all over going thru stores telling us we were gonna burn in hell for allowing people to use the bathroom according to gender identity.
In both instances we poor TMs were caught in the middle because of corp decisions we had no say in or control over.
Corporate is left even though it knows being right would be more beneficial to them. 15/hr is very left for example.
But they find a way to make it work by cutting hours and expecting team members to do more during shorter shifts and limiting the number of team members that get enough hours to qualify for benefits.
Wow what stores do you all work at?! Mine flat out said they would write up any call outs that day :( yestwrday three people were called up and reamed for going to the polls and not work. target really allows you to go vote? My store sucks!
No matter where I worked, I always voted before or after my shift. I never even thought about asking my job to let me leave to vote. I mean, unless you work from open to close, I don't see the reason.
I could, if there's transportation issues. If someone doesn't have their own personal car, then what time transportation is available can severely restrict when a person can go.
Or if you live in one of the states where they are fucking with the voting system so people have to stand in line 3 or 4 hours.
Can't fucking believe that is even a thing in this day and age.
Wait half a day to vote?
WTF is wrong with us that we allow these thugs to get away that?