Recent content by AngryElec

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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    Brother why...this is 200 pros. We don't have this much space in the back lol
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    Target refusing to add suffix

    Read the thread again. This has always been reflected in my profile
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    Target refusing to add suffix

    As far as we can tell the stubs do not actually use your ssn
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    Target refusing to add suffix

    We checked workday. Workday has always had my suffix for the entire of my (long) career. It's also set as my preferred and legal name. They said "Well use the verification portal" The verification portal also does not use my suffix.
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    Target refusing to add suffix

    Someone explain to me why Target can refuse to add my full legal name to my paychecks? That has to be illegal to essentially write out my checks to my father instead of me, since they do not put the social on the stubs. "Thank you for reaching out to HROC. Target's payslips will only reflect a...
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    I don't know how bad you area is. The area I'm in right now, at the current wave, was ranked 1 in the US for their sales in the first few months, and now are still top 10. Some of those guys are making 100k a year They're still annoying goons but they're definately making sales, and target gets...
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    That was even longer ago. Verizon was removed from stores like...6? Years ago? I can't recall exactly. My store was a Mobile plus pilot store, I remember having to send out all the verizon phones and just doing ATT until they sent out all the ATT phones and brought in the first iteration of...
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    Is anyone elses store slashing hours in tech department so bad, and giving them to other departments, that it's time to finally consider just getting out of the department? It's been a steady decline over the last years, to the point where the are only two of us getting under 30 because of it...
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    Suggestions to deal with hotwheels guys

    It amuses me that this is a universal country wide issue, imagine being part of a "hobby" that is universally a bunch of assholes
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    Late reply, but...didn't Marketsource get rid of their ATT phones a while ago? I was under the impression that Target Mobile stopped doing ATT in store sales 3 years ago?
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    Ya...source? afaik it's auctioned
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    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    We got the same amount and have almost sold out...
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    Resources for Humans (An HR Thread)

    I've asked locally and gotten mixed replies, of the same variety. What's the official email format for an hr ETL of a store, if I only know the store number? I've heard it's something as simple as like [email protected] but can anyone confirm the actual format
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    Merit Raises & Reviews: 2023 Edition

    I was fed some bs like this as well. They said they didn't have any control this year. I was told the same scoring was entered for me and another. They got 4% and I got 2%. There were people on CA that got 4% though while for half of last year I had to manage the department as a TM because they...
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    Corporate End to End PTSD

    Unpopular opinion maybe but the DBO system worked well for the store I used to work in and the store I'm in now could use it....they've begun "smart huddling" twice a day for the entire store. Making every single floor TM (GM, STYLE, TECH, BEAUTY) zone for 30-45 mins in a different department...