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  • buliSBI
    buliSBI reacted to Ashfromoldsite's post in the thread transfer question! with Like Like.
    When I transferred I called the new store myself and asked for lod. The new store hr was not responding to my old store hr. New store hr...
  • Ringwraith917
    Ringwraith917 reacted to commiecorvus's post in the thread DEI with Like Like.
    If you get a chance check out the federal memos about firing people responsible for certain things in all agencies. They say DEIA. The...
  • qmosqueen
    qmosqueen reacted to commiecorvus's post in the thread DEI with Angry Angry.
    If you get a chance check out the federal memos about firing people responsible for certain things in all agencies. They say DEIA. The...
  • commiecorvus
    commiecorvus replied to the thread DEI.
    If you get a chance check out the federal memos about firing people responsible for certain things in all agencies. They say DEIA. The...
  • qmosqueen
    qmosqueen reacted to Dysprosed's post in the thread DEI with Like Like.
    I was reading some posts that boycotting Target would actually end up hurting a lot of the diverse/black owned businesses though since...
  • balthrop
    balthrop replied to the thread DEI.
    They are still currently featured. It will be even more telling if Target keeps diverse business at the forefront. As always...
  • buliSBI
    buliSBI replied to the thread transfer question!.
    I had one bad experience with a transfer, After moving out of state, I moved back home and transferred back to a former store of mine...
  • qmosqueen
    qmosqueen replied to the thread The Breakroom Memes.
    Here we go ….
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  • qmosqueen
    qmosqueen reacted to Frontlanegirl's post in the thread DEI with Like Like.
    Boycotts of Target are in the works.
  • qmosqueen
    qmosqueen reacted to Targen's post in the thread DEI with Like Like.
    Imagine being on the wrong side of a list with Bank of America and Delta...
  • qmosqueen
    qmosqueen reacted to Dysprosed's post in the thread DEI with Sad Sad.
    Never would have thought I'd see Target in the second list. For shame.
  • commiecorvus
    commiecorvus reacted to Dysprosed's post in the thread DEI with Like Like.
    Never would have thought I'd see Target in the second list. For shame.
  • commiecorvus
    commiecorvus reacted to qmosqueen's post in the thread DEI with Like Like.
    Since there is no DEI thread yet I thought I’d start one to keep it all in one thread.
  • qmosqueen
    qmosqueen posted the thread DEI in General.
    Since there is no DEI thread yet I thought I’d start one to keep it all in one thread.
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