Recent content by BullseyeBabe

  1. BullseyeBabe

    I Knew There Was Something….

    I get tons of complaints about “empty shelves “ though. I have guests who come in to buy something that the app says we have, but it’s 0 on the floor, O in the back 5 on hand and no one in the store can find them. It’s a pain because I deal with the angry guests. It tanks my NPS.
  2. BullseyeBabe


    Okay thanks. So the thing about scanning everything when you bring it back to receiving is just in the pilot stage?
  3. BullseyeBabe


    We aren’t composing or doing RFID either. No big surprise, we’ve been bright red for a very long time. I’m determined to get to green and would appreciate any help you can give me.
  4. BullseyeBabe


    Oh boy. We’ve (guest service) have never scanned ESIM into bins. I don’t even know what a ESIM log is. Since our ETL/SE left, I’m learning all the things we’ve been doing wrong.
  5. BullseyeBabe

    PTO Added but pushes me over 40

    Pardon my ignorance, but how do you use vacation hours if you don’t get your average weekly hours? I can’t find a way on myTime. It used to be so easy.
  6. BullseyeBabe

    Drive up carts

    Can someone post a pic?
  7. BullseyeBabe

    Business leader connection

    OMG! Yes. Please. I’m lost with all the new paperwork. I’m a S& E team member most of my day and when I get a precious few minutes off stage, I’m scrambling to get my documentation entered.
  8. BullseyeBabe

    Circle Card Applications

    For me, it’s more holding TMs accountable if they aren’t asking every guest. I let them know other leaders will be listening too. Not asking is a pdd and, yes, it could lead to a CA. I really try to motivate my team. What do you do to try and make it as fun as possible?
  9. BullseyeBabe

    Time Wasters that my TL makes me do.

    Those of us that have been around a long time may strongly disagree with this. I know I do. The zone held pretty well because a team of us zoned and pushed the reshop, every night. Yes, there were areas that got destroyed, but they got zoned. Our stores used to be really nice to shop in. We were...
  10. BullseyeBabe

    Want to know how bad things are?

    I’m in a freaking red store and things just keep getting worse. Target’s got a bad case of the emperor’s new clothes.
  11. BullseyeBabe

    Service & Engagement Denim trade in, yikes!

    I’m hoping this will work because the teacher 20% has been really hit or miss. It hasn’t worked for about 60-70% of the time. Yes, we make sure they are verified. Anyway, I shudder to think of the nasty denim stuff we will be dealing with.
  12. BullseyeBabe


    Thank you for your replies, but I was asking about putting all esim into bags, closing with zip ties and putting the sticker on the outside of the bag.
  13. BullseyeBabe


    Has the policy for esim changed, or have we been doing it wrong all along? We’ve always put esim in a bag, tied it with a zip tie and put the sticker on the outside of the bag. Is that only necessary only when the item is leaking? Are we just supposed to just put the sticker on the item and...
  14. BullseyeBabe

    Benefits Mental health benefits

    I’m sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong place. Aren’t we supposed to have access to mental health services online? I’m not talking about the free 5 visits with a therapist. I think it was free visits via phone including texting. Does anyone know about this?