Recent content by bymoonlight

  1. B

    Service & Engagement What’s the protocol for your first shift at a new store?

    We recently had a transfer come in and our HR had the first hour of her shift essentially be like an "orientation" to show her around our store before releasing her to us (also in the front end). Depending on the time of your shift, you'll have time to ask for any door codes if necessary and...
  2. B

    Store calling me while I am sick

    This has definitely happened at my store, typically either when the TM calling in has a history of it, has spoken about calling off/had their shift posted, or in particular when it's an abnormal thing. I called a TM recently for calling in sick when they were someone who almost never called in...
  3. B

    Adding PTO to your Timecard

    the pto was approved last week already, so unless they go in and retroactively notice it, i'd have to say something. i didn't think it came out of the same bucket (similar to holiday pay in that sense, i guess?) but it's good to have the confirmation. i just now how hard spot is about no more...
  4. B

    Adding PTO to your Timecard

    I'm glad I found this thread because I put in for some PTO that now has me at like 41.38 hours (because I ended up staying late) and they do payroll tomorrow, so I need to ask them to adjust my time off. I'm not trying to get in trouble for anything lmao
  5. B

    Perimeter checks

    15 minutes? I be getting .08888 on mine unless 15 is for opening
  6. B

    States that Target gives you Sick Pay SEPARATE from PTO

    Yes, that's true, too! But not in terms of using it just because you want the day off or have other engagements, that was what I meant. My bad for not being more clear on that.
  7. B

    States that Target gives you Sick Pay SEPARATE from PTO

    Sick pay cannot/should not be used for days that you request off. That's your vacation/PTO. Sick pay is used to compensate when you call off sick, but still need or want to get paid and have accrued the hours to do so. Then you would go in and submit a request for pay.
  8. B

    Asking to have a slightly earlier shift.

    if it's not until next month, just request time off for the time you would need to leave by going into the end of the evening.
  9. B

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Members (PG35/38)

    I hate that :( I don't understand why the raises get wiped whenever base goes up. It's one thing I will never, ever understand
  10. B

    FY 2023 Annual Pay and Performance - Team Members (PG35/38)

    4.5%, a .72 cent raise, so I'm now making 16.64 after 4.5 years. I started when the base pay was 13, so I'm not too mad about that honestly.
  11. B

    Becoming a TL

    my location is SD and DSD/HRBP
  12. B

    circle 360 + circle card (RIP RedCard)

    I didn't see anything specific in the training about the debit cards, but as far as I'm aware, both the credit card and the debit card will be rebranded as Circle Cards. So it will just be the Circle Credit Card and the Circle Debit Card, with Circle taking the place of Red
  13. B

    circle 360 + circle card (RIP RedCard)

    I already have to explain the difference between Target Circle and the RedCard. I can't wait to see how it gets over-complicated now that we're calling it the 'Circle Card'.
  14. B

    COVID ?

    I got covid this last Saturday. I told them I wouldn't be in for a couple days. So I didn't call Sunday, but then did use the app to call in on Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm finally starting to feel human today. Hate the idea of going back on Black Friday for my first day back, but sometimes you...
  15. B

    mid year review

    My TLs didn't even mention anything about 'rankings'. So... that's cool.