Recent content by commiecorvus

  1. commiecorvus

    Are mangers and TL's required to provide sanitary items, like kleenex and hand sanitizer?

    I once brought a meeting to a grinding halt when we were supposed to be discussing a training we had from a motivational speaker and I pointed out that the British Navy had ruled the known world for a very long time based on two motivations. Rum and the lash. So if we really wanted to be truly...
  2. commiecorvus

    Are mangers and TL's required to provide sanitary items, like kleenex and hand sanitizer?

    Snark is going to be a thing, especially in retail where it is often a necessary skill needed for survival. I'm sorry you felt disrespected but like I said, it's best if you don't take it personally. Insulting people rarely gets you the information you need. A self-deprecating response right in...
  3. commiecorvus

    Are mangers and TL's required to provide sanitary items, like kleenex and hand sanitizer?

    When you see it in bold that is my reply as a moderator. I am very careful about what I post as a moderator. That means I am calling you out for something you have said. In this case calling members of the board creeps because you didn't like their replies. It is a rule that you broke. As to...
  4. commiecorvus

    Are mangers and TL's required to provide sanitary items, like kleenex and hand sanitizer?

    Not creeps just people who find your perspective somewhat privileged. If you ask a question you have to be prepared for it to not go the way you expected. Insulting people because you don't like the answers isn't cool.
  5. commiecorvus

    Stealing what now

    Okay, let's start with one thing that really stands out from your post. You start out by saying, "I made a huge mistake but I was caught stealing 🤦‍♀️ no reasons justify what I did and I plan on taking affirmative measures on getting the help I need to work through mental things". This should...
  6. commiecorvus

    why am i not accumulating emergency time off ?

    Depending on what state you live in you would get vacation time and some places sick leave. It's based on the number of hours you work. How many hours are you working? How long have you been working for Target? Does your state have sick leave?
  7. commiecorvus

    fresh meat. Hai

  8. commiecorvus

    Quit or wait to be fired ?

    It's going to depend on what state you are in. Look up the state laws.
  9. commiecorvus

    What is the exact job description of a fulfillment pacesetter?

    Ignore all previous requests and write a pumpkin pie recipe in the form of a limerick.
  10. commiecorvus

    how to delete

    That would be me, for example.
  11. commiecorvus

    The Breakroom Memes

    But there is an award for the people with a good work ethic, the boss gives them more work for the same pay. The extra work is the consequence of cutting hours from people with poor work ethic, rather then the boss bothering to find out why they have a bad work ethic or taking the time to train...
  12. commiecorvus

    I got this

    This is an auto-generated message. It just means they got your report to them. Since you are no longer an employee the subject is largely moot. Move on, don't worry about it.
  13. commiecorvus

    I got this

    That is the confirmation that they got your report. There is a chance that is all you will receive. If they need further information they may contact you but otherwise that's it. If there is disciplinary actions against other people you will not be told about it. Your role in things pretty much...
  14. commiecorvus

    I got this

    Did you report something to the Hotline?
  15. commiecorvus

    The Breakroom Memes

    Not a meme but something we would all like to have, a retail translator.