No my state doesnt do that. I wondered that to. Its for my last paycheck. The 96 on the w2 i think is my pay before our new tax came out? And medical tax or whatever it is. Adding it to the 88 that wss my last deposit almoat pans out.
Ive never quit a job befoee bur I think thats it.
Edit: omg im a moron. Mods you can delete if you want. I figured out why its different 🙃
Padon my sudden question. So my last day was Dec 26th 2023. I got my last check of the year the 12th of January.
That check was only $88. The W2 I jist got is for $96. So I am a bit confused. I get the W2...
If you work more than one job you need to fill oyt your w4 properly. Either you can have all taxes taken from one joh or splut it between both. If yiu dont fill out a w4 statinf your preference and adjusting what you need for allocationa it will automatically switch to one of them. Mine did that...
Its always worth filing. When my ex roomate wqs fired for bs reasons unemoloyment ended uo siding with him because the delivery place coulsnt prove their stance.
Absolutely apply to a different job. Idk what the dral is but spit is making a point to not take you back and thats a loss on them. I understand having reluctance to move to anothet company bit believe me moat who do find a mich healthier environment to be in.
I for one entered the pet...
I was dead serious that creep isnt putting the stupid company on "blast" he is making it out to be the employees fault clearly. Not once is the company implied to be at fault in ANY of his videos and he CLEARLYA BLAMES the employees for the shoe situation. This kind of person does NOT help the...
This I was not aware of I thought all gas rnishment went through the courts first. This is good to know! And yes NEVER ignore legal letters no matter their origin unless its a scam of course. Thats just common sense.
Fid you get a court date? They cannot garnish without serving you and going through the procesa. If you donr show up to your court date then yiu will get a letter co firming that the garniahment will happen and the details. Trust me there is no might in this you will know 100% before time...
I had the change my deaired hours and submit a change of availability to reflect the mx hours I wanted. They still over scheduled me but it was way more managable.
One would think 🙃 our SL doeant fire ANYONE. The TL is still there ans I am not for many reasons of which the complete negligence of the leasership.
Last count was 3 guests locked in and 6 team members. And this was the course of a whole year. One tm even walked out an emergency exit because...
Depends on the SL our closing lead locked team members and guests in multiple times and only got told off about it. He is still a leader on path to become and etl :/ he put his number on guest service white board though so he can ckme back an dlet people out 🙃
I made it 16yrs before bouncing out. For me it was lack of competitive pay and job availability. I was working three jobs for the last 5yrs just to make ends meet until one of my jobs pulled hard to get me pay and keyed in full time employment. They at least appreciate my ethic and willingness...