Recent content by employee 626

  1. E

    MEGATHREAD New POS (post-cutover)

    Did anyone else’s SCO coupon retrieval get different? It’s the same thing as the register that just asks to make sure the coupons are collected. No need to scan in anymore
  2. E

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    Hopefully that gets fixed ASSP
  3. E

    Is your store still price matching?

    If it does make it automatically happen for .com matches. Also if it does happen the POS needs a way to NOT let ANYONE override it because of one can they will all go there to do it without Circle
  4. E

    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    I asked it a question to test it and it was wrong. They actually listened to my feedback and changed the answer. I also asked them to explain AcornPosition and it didn't.
  5. E

    Sales Floor Let's meet in the Middle; an Electronics/Tech thread

    I think the last word describes the state of most stores (or at least TMs) rn
  6. E

    Spring Sales Meeting

    Rumor has it that Circle Cards are getting rid of the check requirement. Is that true?
  7. E

    Spring Sales Meeting

    Is that a 3rd party software company or what Target calls it
  8. E

    New Rollouts for 2025?

    Rumor has it that the Circle card outage is to let you finally apply without a check in store
  9. E

    Greenfield ?

  10. E

    New Rollouts for 2025?

    What do we search and do regular TMs have access to it?
  11. E

    Is anyone else's store starting to worry them?

    It’s now 004-10-0140
  12. E

    MEGATHREAD New POS (post-cutover)

    Even with training receipts. Either another lead has to sign in or the AP lead suspends it and has a regular TM sign into it
  13. E

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    I make them take a picture of the confirmation number just in case
  14. E

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    How about letting us block pulls from certain aisles when someone is pulling from that one. Montels being the reason
  15. E

    MEGATHREAD myDay app

    They FINALLY gave change request a new sound. They are all the same which is less annoying but still better than before. There needs to be 3 sounds. SCO Cashier Cash transaction above $500