Recent content by JiJi

  1. JiJi

    Halloween candy

    It seems like it comes "earlier" every year, but that's about the right time for it to show up these days. Halloween typically gets set right after labor day.
  2. JiJi

    Rejected over and over

    Sounds like you're over-qualified, and they're preferring to hire newbies who will stand to get paid less. This has happened to a few people I know sadly.
  3. JiJi

    Conspiracy Theory

    Kroger in my area has implemented receipt checks, though that might be a store by store basis.
  4. JiJi

    Stores not permitting guests 18 and under without adult supervision

    This is a very real problem - the issue of what we call "third places" disappearing
  5. JiJi

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Might be one of the SDs temporarily overseeing the store making the claim
  6. JiJi

    $1.00 extra from 10/22/2023 to 01/06/2024

    It was $1 at my store - I think you're right in that it varies.
  7. JiJi

    MEGATHREAD Signing Tips, Tricks and Quips (along with howls of despair)

    Un-fluffed trees look so sad
  8. JiJi

    Stores Closing, Sadly No Surprise

    I can't vouch for Portland, that's not where I am. But from what I've heard through the TM grapevine, through reports, and the statement that came out, they've outright stated that it's too unsafe for guests and TMs here due to an uprising of criminal activity. This does not surprise me in the...
  9. JiJi

    Stores Closing, Sadly No Surprise

    As someone who lives near where some of these are closing, I can absolutely attest that crime is probably a good reason why they're closing in that area. It's ridiculously rampant where I live, and it has gotten to the point where literally nobody feels safe anymore, especially with how bad the...
  10. JiJi

    How big is your backroom

    Not including steel (and also excluding electronics), my backroom had 36 aisles
  11. JiJi

    To that one Team Member - II

    🤣 🤣 🤣 Some people are just that dense
  12. JiJi

    MEGATHREAD Flexible Fulfillment

    Shhh!! You're going to give them ideas!
  13. JiJi

    Ridiculous OPUs

    The worst I remember us getting was 44 cases of I believe it was the 24 packs.
  14. JiJi

    Sales Floor Call button recordings

    "15 SeCoNdS rEmAiNiNg"
  15. JiJi

    Playing Music In Target?

    But do you feel love? 🤣