Recent content by The Dude Abides

  1. The Dude Abides

    No More Flexing

    My wife and I, both former Target team members, walked through our old store today and holy shit does it look bad without flexing. Endcaps are set with maybe 10% of the product, entire 4 foot sections looking like a picked over seasonal aisle. The store looked awful, but seeing this thread kind...
  2. The Dude Abides

    Circle Card Applications

    Sure and the poster asked how to motivate the team. Coaching/CA is a terrible motivation technique. Those should be used on team members you want to document to term not ones who are good that you just want to motivate.
  3. The Dude Abides

    Circle Card Applications

    I am well aware of what credit discrimination actually is, it is not what you described in your initial post. Going back to the post I responded to. This is exactly why you shouldn't be coaching or writing up someone who doesn't ask every single guest. You are just going to piss off your...
  4. The Dude Abides

    Circle Card Applications

    Your train of logic is ridiculous. People you don't ask to apply for a red card: 1. Person who has a red card in their hand to pay (back in the day this was easily 30% of transactions I did at my store) 2. Teenagers who are clearly too young to apply for one. My store was across the street...
  5. The Dude Abides

    Circle Card Applications

    That's not how discrimination works at all.
  6. The Dude Abides

    Circle Card Applications

    Stop doing the bolded part. Nothing would piss me off more when I worked front end then a leader asking "why didn't you ask the guest about a red card?" when it was already apparent that a conversation like that was a non-starter. I knew who to ask and how to ask and converted at a high percentage.
  7. The Dude Abides

    Time Wasters that my TL makes me do.

    Zoning was one of the few things that is not a waste time, exceptions being seasonal during like BTS or Christmas and toys during the holidays. Backroom WACO management is something that should be done during the slowest times of the year so it can be done right. It's not something you can...
  8. The Dude Abides

    Circle Card Applications

    It's a very different world than when I was a GSA. The expectation pre-Covid was to get multiple apps per shift let alone per month. With that said, yes it is unreasonable.
  9. The Dude Abides

    No Exchanges?

    That is absolutely insane. The website still has an exchange policy, the back of the receipt mentions exchanges and all of the signing does. This seems tremendously half-assed and a terrible policy all around. Return Policy Edit: Under the tab labeled "Are there any return exceptions?"
  10. The Dude Abides

    No Exchanges?

    Long time former TM (15 years) turned guest and I just had a baffling experience. For context: the majority of my time at Target was spent working the front end in various roles including GSA later GSTL. I purchased a video game last night that had a manufacturer defect on the disc, so this...
  11. The Dude Abides

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    Given this thread your attitude could be a reason.
  12. The Dude Abides

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    I don't work for Target anymore. Took a job in education three years ago and have no allegiance to them. My point is that you do not owe them anything and by giving them notice that far ahead you played yourself.
  13. The Dude Abides

    Am I right to be upset about my pathetic raise?

    You never should have told them you were leaving. That is absolutely a factor in your raise and from their standpoint it makes sense. Why push for a bigger raise for someone who won't be there in two months?
  14. The Dude Abides

    Stores Closing, Sadly No Surprise

    Racists sure love showing their true colors on this forum, don't they?