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  1. KarmaToBurn

    Destroy vs donate

    In the same app where you defect items you can scan the barcode on the white / yellow label and it'll tell you who did it. AP also has a report, but they don't like to share anymore...
  2. KarmaToBurn

    Insta post. Check it out

    Sadly, that was inredibly common at my former store... I hated shoe recalls, I literally had to scan every shoe
  3. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    Should I tell about the STL who was slinging beer and soft drinks out the loading dock by leaving the door unlocked, unlateched and disarmed? Or the APTL turned GSTL who stole $60k? Or the next STL who stole $20k to cover his favorite TLs racing debt after he lost and got his car, store keys and...
  4. KarmaToBurn

    Technology wishlist

    I'd be happy with something that worked and didn't need a new battery every two hours...
  5. KarmaToBurn

    Team Voice Survey

    I get them randomly in the e-mail about every 6 weeks already....
  6. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    Technically, my understanding is it belongs to Inbound and we do the paperwork. Honestly. I don't mind loading the truck, if 1) Truck was unloaded before it's time for my shift to end 2) they actually took all of the inbound product off of the truck and 3) if anything (see first picture) was...
  7. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    Early next year, yes, and no not at all... not even to help when I'm off....
  8. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    Yep, don't care... Corporate lurkers should come see this shit show. This picture isn't all that bad for an average day...
  9. KarmaToBurn

    Team Voice Survey

    And that's one of the numerous ways Cornell is destroying this company. Before he got here we had a huge store huddle, got a handout of the results, leaders and TMs werem't enemies... its a damn shame
  10. KarmaToBurn

    Team Voice Survey

    When should we expect the results and will regular TMs be able to access it? Our leaders don't tell us anything anymore
  11. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    Ok, so it really is I work at the worst store in Target. Does anyone know if there is somewhere I can look up a store number by location so I can contact the HR where I'm moving? Thanks...
  12. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    I am the only Receiving person (no backup, no break coverage, no vacation coverage) and I'm scheduled to do the backroom Audits every day, sweep the backroom every day, get carts every day... so I really don't even get to do any of my job. By double you mean trucks, right? We average two trucks...
  13. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    I already did, our region has one inspector who is not interested in leavibg his/her office for anything short of a death... and even then it's grudgingly
  14. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    Our 3rd ETL-GM since christmas just quit on Thursday. This is every single day for the last 10 years. This is how it looks when I leave at night. Have had to start taking pictures because the leadership keeps trying to blame me for not cleaning it up....
  15. KarmaToBurn

    Is this normal???

    This is my store every morning when I arrive. Is this what your stores are like? I really need to know as I am about to move ans am curious if I should transfer or jusy go apply at Wal-Mart?
  16. KarmaToBurn

    Team Voice Survey

    What a crock of shit questions, no comment section oh, and our $5 coupon from pharmacy for filling Rxs is now $2. We are a failing company... "Hi, Welcome to WalMart"
  17. KarmaToBurn

    Is anyone else's store getting rid of cart guys?

    I've never seen my GSEs do any Cart Attendant duties, but our Cart Attendants do everything: Register, Guest Service, Starbucks Drive Up, plys all their normal duties... have for years
  18. KarmaToBurn

    Are other Targets cost-cutting right now?

    Hit the mail right on the head....
  19. KarmaToBurn

    Best "I Told You So" Moment

    Keep telling all the TLs they need to run the compactor occasionally. Couple of months back I was off and they still didn't and the PML and Cart Attendant had to clean up about ten Gaylord boxes of trash that fell out of the chute... They still don't run the compactor
  20. KarmaToBurn

    Best "I Told You So" Moment

    And I told them it didn't work when K-Mart tried it in 2001 and....