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  • Users: AngryElec
  • Content: Threads
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  1. A

    Target refusing to add suffix

    Someone explain to me why Target can refuse to add my full legal name to my paychecks? That has to be illegal to essentially write out my checks to my father instead of me, since they do not put the social on the stubs. "Thank you for reaching out to HROC. Target's payslips will only reflect a...
  2. A

    Archived New method for revisions?

    I can't find a topic or discussion about it. How is anyone printing revisions right now with printing moving over to the devices? Is it impossible to not just print the entire pog?
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    Archived The joys of Mobile Plus.

    Long time electronics team member here, and someone who actively enjoys their job at that. We're what? 8? 6? Months into the Mobile Plus changes now and I have to say that getting rid of marketsource in our store has significantly improved our lives and the guests lives. For anyone fearing...