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  1. commiecorvus


    So Walmart has announced it will be closed on Thanksgiving. Any word on what Target is going to do?
  2. commiecorvus

    Best "I Told You So" Moment

    This is a thread for the best "I told you so" moment at work. You don't have to have actually said the words, knowing it works just as well. In my case it was a lighting display planogram. It showed all the lamps I had to build neatly lined up. The planogram didn't look right to me but the...
  3. commiecorvus

    Conspiracy Theory

    There is a interesting theory (see article below) that Walmart isn't shutting down its self checkout because of theft but because it is offering a paid membership that will allow people the same option. Just like games locking things you used to be able to win behind a paywall. They make the...
  4. commiecorvus

    Dumpster Full Of Bikes

    I suspect I know what happened. They had the returned bikes all racked up in the back for some reason and then threw them out all at the same time. So it winds up all over TikTok. TikToker Sounds Off Over Target Dumpster Full Of Brand New Bikes—And People Are Furious -...
  5. commiecorvus

    The Target Dress Challange?

    Is this really a thing? A lot of people seem to have made it one. But I hadn't heard about it till today.
  6. commiecorvus

    Customer Service For People With Disabilities

    Here is some information on how to provide good customer service to people with disabilities. A couple of bits of house cleaning first. Disabilities aren’t always obvious. The person using a wheelchair, a guide dog, or an ASL interpreter are easy to spot. However, someone with an extreme...
  7. commiecorvus

    Archived Did I Miss The Thread On This?

    If so I will merge it. Target is Selling Nightmare Before Christmas Themed Kitchenware -
  8. commiecorvus


    This in no way serves as advice or suggestions on the part of The Break Room. We would hope that when it comes to your job and your disability you would be smarter than using a website like ours to make important decisions. Call your local DVR or the AAOC, talk to them before you make major...
  9. commiecorvus

    Archived What Not To Wear To Orientation

    Someone suggested there should be a'what not to wear to orientation' thread since we get so many people asking what they should wear. Okay, HR peeps give it up, what is the worst you have seen? For that matter what is the worst you have seen at an interview?
  10. commiecorvus

    Archived Really Proud Of Target TMs

    This happened to a friend of mine who is Muslim. When I read her post I was so damned proud of my TMs at Spot. You guys rock. It happened in NJ so if any of you are doing AP in NJ, thank you so much.
  11. commiecorvus

    Archived Post Of The Year 2016

    This is kind of a fun thread and should probably be in Chatter but since most of the posts are going to be about Spot I'm going to put it here for now. We have all seen some brilliant, funny posts on the site over the years and it seems like we can do better than just hit the like button. So...
  12. commiecorvus

    Archived Target's Star Wars Toys Seem A Bit Phallic

    So is it all in their minds? Have you seen these? Did it strike you the same way? Target Called Out for Decidedly Dildo-Like Captain Phasma and Kylo Ren Star Wars Toys
  13. commiecorvus

    Archived Target Has Made Moms Happy

    Nice to see they figured this one out.
  14. commiecorvus

    Archived Heads Up To All Cashiers And Anybody Working Register

    I just wanted to let folks know that I've been told by TMs that there have been mystery shoppers who have purposely left loaded gift cards behind at the register, sometimes even so they aren't easy to see, and if the cashier doesn't handle the gift card exactly to company policy, they have been...
  15. commiecorvus

    Archived Cracked Puts Spot On The List

    I don't know how many of you read Cracked but it's up there with The Onion as one of the top humor magazines on the net. Their latest article is 5 Stories That Will Change Will Change Your Opinion Of Famous Companies. Spot comes up right away. Most of you who have spent time here for long will...
  16. commiecorvus

    Archived Workmans Comp As We Know It Going By By?

    At least in southern states to start it looks like, because those are the most worker hostile and where the governments are most pliable. I'm glad to see that Spot isn't on the list of companies that are pushing this abomination of a legislation through the states but I am sure they will jump on...
  17. commiecorvus

    Archived So Starting ETL's Might Be Getting A Raise Too

    It's not a certainty and I'm not sure where they fall in terms of starting pay but depending on how the numbers play out Spot may have to start them higher. There have been threads where it was pointed out that with the hours they worked starting ETLs actually made less than some of the older...
  18. commiecorvus

    Archived Well, There's This

    This has been making the rounds on Twitter and on a number of sites. I remember the signs but just didn't use them, so yeah they have been around for a while. For those of you who don't get what the fuss is about, why would any set be specifically for girls. And yes, I know LEGO makes some ones...
  19. commiecorvus

    Archived Possible Good News For TMs In Massachusetts

    Getting tired of clopening or having the schedule put up so late you can't schedule your life? Don't want to get sent home because the store has decided they are over hours? Well if you live in Massachusetts there's a chance there is a bill in the State House that will stop all those practices...
  20. commiecorvus

    Archived Harris Poll Of Most Popular Companies

    Wegmans grocery store beat out Amazon this year for the most trusted and respected company this year in the Harris poll. Now take a wild guess where Target fell on the list. I figured it wouldn't be in the top twenty what with the breach and all but I sure didn't expect to come in under Best...