
  1. Dream Baby

    Availability Change

    So if I submit an availability change in the app what happens next? For example if I wanted to change it as of Sunday (10/15) will it just it there until they do the schedule then gets auto-denied if ignored. At my store a lot of PTO get's auto denied because our HR ETL just ignores it.
  2. R

    Manager won’t fix my sechdule

    So I was recently just hired, my availability was stated before I was hired and when I was hired. I got my first schedule and it’s out of my availability. I was told I could request a change through workdays ect or talk to the manger I did both.Talked to the manger once again and denied the...
  3. C

    Quitting because of closing shifts

    I got stuck working closing shifts in fulfillment. HR and ETL and two TLs know that I want opening shifts back and said they would try to make that happen after previously telling me they “need” me to close. I do not like getting home around 11:30 pm and going to sleep so late as it affects my...
  4. S

    Second Job

    I just got hired to target and another retail job at about the same time. I am trying to get the scheduling all sorted. The second job won’t give me a fixed schedule and i have to keep open availability because that’s what i put on my application. They post their schedule three weeks out and...
  5. A

    availability change

    hi everyone, new here. i started working at target in december. i was scheduled a lot which makes since due to the holidays. then february i wasn’t working as much, and now i’m starting to work a lot again. a lot as in i’m scheduled 5 or 6 days a week, and i’m only working 4 hour shifts, i also...
  6. J


    I recently changed my availability to 20 hours due to schooling and family reasons, but I was scheduled next week to work 36.5 hours and don’t know what to do. Before they have scheduled me out of the time I’ve been available to come in, or stay until and it bothers me. I usually don’t say...
  7. B

    Are they allowed to schedule me outside of my availability?

    I work multiple jobs, and have the time blacked out in my availability for the times I work my other job. I have had the same availability the entire year I've worked here, and I got scheduled without notice for a shift completely outside of my availability. I brought this to my HRETL's...
  8. R


    hi everyone, new user but have been lurking since i started working at target lol. so i have mon, tues, and wed. off as my availability and i close thursdays/weekends. just submitted an availability change last night before i clocked out and requested to work during the day on saturday and...
  9. S

    Archived Availability

    How do I request an availability change ?
  10. F

    Archived Availability

    Is there any way to see when, how or by whom your availability was changed? Or is there any way to see what your previous availability was? My availability seems to have changed to literally be available from open to close 7 days a week. But this has never been the case. So of course they're...
  11. T

    Archived Availability Conflict

    I have a question on if my availability for the summer can get denied even if its for religious reasons? My ETL gets on me for remotely changing my availability, I work another job at school/go to school M-F and work at Target Saturday/Sunday. I was asked by my mosque to help teach a class on...
  12. N

    Archived Availability Change

    How long do you have to wait between changing availability? I attempted to alter mine and it says 'auto denied.'
  13. S

    Archived They scheduled me outside my availibility so I can work on Christmas eve.

    I don't work on mondays, and this year christmas eve happens to fall on a monday. They scheduled me anyway, and I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I'm only 16, I started in October, and I'm doing full time highschool as well as part-time PSEO. I have a huge annual family event going on...
  14. W

    Archived Changing availability?

    I had recently changed my availability from 40 to 25, about a month ago. I did it to get ahead of personal issues and get back on track with myself and others. My schedule just started showing that I'm only getting 25 hours, which is what I wanted. But, since my S.O. lost his job recently, I'm...
  15. L

    Archived Schedule Issues

    I'm new to Target and I'm also a student, so at my interview I put my availability down that I could not work during school hours. This past weekend I checked Kronos and they have scheduled me on several days during school hours, and on the day I put down I couldn't work. I sent an email asking...
  16. D

    Archived Does anyone else struggle with availability like I do..?

    Since I got hired in September of last year, I’ve been struggling with availability like you wouldn’t believe. I got hired as a seasonal worker at first, so I was understanding of certain things. Seasonal workers are often the ones who have schedules that are all over the place and really aren’t...
  17. R

    Archived 90 days

    When can I change my availability or take time off? I remember seeing somewhere that you have to wait until after your 90 days?
  18. E

    Archived Availability Change because Target wasn't scheduling anyway

    Since February, I've gone from working 38 hours a week to 11. I went from working consistent 4 and 5am shifts to working shifts that are all over the place. Because my hours have been cut so drastically with no chance of getting more hours (Kronos doesn't work on my phone and ETL-HR will not...
  19. E

    Archived Scheduled Outside my Availability

    I'm a relatively new TM (my orientation was just over a month ago). I was hired at a mass hire event. At my store, there are no "department TMs," so I am responsible for learning ALL departments in the store. At the time, I initially put that I am unavailable on Sundays due to prior commitments...
  20. A

    Archived Need to quit

    So im putting in my two weeks this week but i cant work this weekend. Should i just nc/ns? Or should i put in the two weeks and call in both days?