call in

  1. T

    Calling in Sick

    I am only an employee of 2 months with target and no one has explained how calling in sick works. I have been sick the past few days and need to take a day to rest. Do I need to ask HR to use my sick hours? Do I need a doctors note? I am scheduled 6 hours tomorrow with 36 this week and my...
  2. T

    Call Ins

    I had to call in twice this week because I couldn’t get someone to cover my shift. The Store Director said “we can talk about it when you come in next,” Does this mean I’m going to get fired?
  3. J

    Archived Question about calling out.

    I've been sick all night and im just wondering if i have to be in at 9:30 but the store doesn't open until 8:00 should i call at 8:00 even though it's technically not 2 hours ahead?
  4. blackpink

    Archived Getting called in @_@

    So occasionally I get called to see if I want to pick up a shift. My issue is half the time when I try to call and hit 0 to go to the operator, the line will disconnect. Do any other stores have this issue? I really hate how unreliable the phone line is as an employee, let alone how annoying...
  5. rosemlks

    Archived calling in sick within first 90 days?

    So I'm a seasonal Barista at Starbucks and I have only worked there for 2 weeks. I had the stomach flu yesterday and I waited to see what I felt like today before I called in. My shift is at 8 AM though. Will I get fired for calling in?
  6. M

    Archived I am going to get fired (before I offically quit)

    Ive been a employee for almost 2 years. I started as a TL hired outright for my original store. I transferred after about 18 months for my hubby to get his dream job and to be closer to family. As a result I went to smaller store and voluntarily stepped down from being a TL and became a regular...
  7. A

    Archived Can't be at my shift on Christmas eve.

    I was scheduled 3-11:30 pm on Christmas eve. Weeks before, i put it online that i can't work that day because i have obligations at my church that i'm not allowed to miss all night that night.I got scheduled anyway and also got overscheduled 20 hours over my 20 hour availability(which they keep...