
  1. J

    Horrible Store (update)

    (From a Kmart to a now Target store, NC) Me and a buddy of mine were talking and it definitely doesn’t look good for this store at all. Maybe when the majority of us leave they’ll have to see that we’re actually people and they may get paid more than us but unfortunately they’re nothing...
  2. J

    Horrible Store

    Maybe this store should’ve stayed a K-mart in North Carolina…From male ETL’s watching leaders lust and attempt to form inappropriate relationships with workers, to leaders allowing their early morning GM team to unsafely allow product to not be properly back stocked and creating a huge safety...
  3. allnew2

    Joe contrucci

    He has quit Target
  4. starmaster1000

    Light Override

    There's a group to call for the lights override. But I forget what they're called. Help?
  5. E

    Specialty Two DPCI’s per Waco

    Hello everybody! Our district manager or some higher up, I’m not really sure, stopped by and said we should now limit two DPCI’s per Waco. Is that just us or is it for all Target stores? What are your thoughts? Is it something that should be taken seriously? I work in electronics and as you can...
  6. S

    Answered Target Corporate IT

    Hello! Might be a long shot but I’m hoping I can gather some info from people who work in the corporate offices and provide me some insight? Specifically in IT? Were you hired externally? Or did you apply from within? Do you have remote locations or is it all at the HQ? I am currently a style...
  7. Ladybird

    Corporate "Plant"

    I'm just curious if corporate uses team lead "plants" as a tactic to see how a store is ran. Has anyone experienced this?
  8. Mikuhl

    Transparency and Target

    Throughout the life of this forum we've had many Team Members from Headquarters hop in and seek very valuable opinions. To name a few, @Usiris, @mobileFellow, @mobilelady, et al. It was refreshing to be able to ask questions and give feedback, and hear back from the very people who make the...
  9. F

    Archived Tours

    I was wondering if there was any tours for tms of the HQ
  10. D

    Archived i wish managers listended to us

    the ones at my store dont listen at all
  11. D

    Archived Corporate e-mail or number?

    I work at target, does anyone have there e-mail or number to call to complain? i have a huge issue
  12. S

    Archived What happens when a guests calls Corporate to complain?

    Had a guest accuse me of lying on the phone and a TL ended up giving her corporate’s number to complain. Never had this happen so i’m just curious what will happen when the guest complains?
  13. L

    Archived Transfer to Target corporate position

    My spouse has been a SL TL for the past 2 1/2 years and would like to move up to a job in Target corporate HQ (we're located in the Minneapolis metro area). Anyone know what the policy is for a transfer like that? She has the experience but it seems to be a challenge to get the store to offer...
  14. pellinore

    Archived Team Members

    Dear Corporate, Why is it that Team Members are treated so horribly...not by guests....but by you? When did Team Members stop counting as an asset to the business?
  15. pellinore

    Archived Guests

    Dear Corporate, Whatever happened to "Guests first?"
  16. Jimmy Neutron

    Archived Visits every week?

    I’m just beginning to notice that our store has corporate visits every week sometimes twice a week... does this mean our store isn’t doing too well? Also looked at metrics and realized we never make any of the sales goals for the day. Yikes when will our store be shutdown? Will we at least get...
  17. GlobalTL123

    Archived Brian's post Q4 email

    The most brilliant line. "Our changes are working..." a 5.4% comp..... LMFAO this moron is so out of touch with his stores.
  18. Tessa120

    Archived How does store numbering work?

    The stores close to my store have store numbers that are wildly different. I always thought this weird because sequential numbers would seem to me to make better sense. The other day I saw a list of phone numbers for stores in a pretty large surrounding area, the list also had store numbers...
  19. G

    Archived Merry Christmas, Mr. Cornell

    I hope you know that your inevitable super bonus for this year was made off of the backs of your hard working team members who are breaking down crying every day because you can't open the purse strings and staff your stores. While you seemingly steer the company towards an iceberg, we're all...
  20. pellinore

    Archived Open Door Policy

    Remember that Target tells us over and over again that they have an open door policy...and if there are concerns we are to feel free to talk to leadership. Yes, usually they are meaning store level or district level. Well, this is a time and situation where I'm choosing to go to an open door...