
  1. T

    Archived Will she do it.

    We just had a new ctl start work,our forth in a few years.All our previous ones have started off in a blur of enthusiasm and determined the get rid of all out of dates on the sales floor,each of them has discovered the Budweiser rep is not doing their job and that every bud product on the shelf...
  2. Produceprincess

    Archived Consumables Team Lead

    help! I'm the new CTL, does anyone have a vendor list with the products each vendors is responsible for?? I have a list of vendors but I'm not sure which ones stock and order which products. TIA
  3. 0

    Archived How does your store schedule consumables?

    New in role Sr.CTL here and just wondering how our store schedules the consumable team. Like how many closers? How long? If you know how many hours you guys use that would be great as well. Right now I only have a person to open and a person to close, thats it. So it is pretty hard to close and...
  4. LogisticsFox

    Archived My Opportunities: Developing Routines and Organization (CTL)

    Hey Everyone! So, I have been over market for about 6 months (I've only been a TL for half of that) and I am finding that my biggest opportunities are developing a solid routine and staying organized. I guess my biggest question would be how do other CTL's stay on top of everything when it...