
  1. M

    Archived Flexible Fulfillment Question

    Not sure if this is the right place to post this. But recently our store got rid of PDA''s in Ship from Store. So we use Zebras for everything. For FA's and for picking and packing. My question is, do store leaders get notified when you can't find items on the Zebra? I know they are always...
  2. TGT Minion

    Archived Food TL position

    You guys have any info on what they expect from the Food TL position? The more I talk to other Food Ave TL making the switch to this new position, the more I realize we have absolutely no info or specific core roles attached to this new role. The switch is only 10 days away.
  3. TGT Minion

    Archived New Wypalls and hand towels in FA.

    So, how is everyone liking the new Wypalls and hand towels in the food areas? They obviously didn't account that we have to use more than twice as much to accomplish the same job, therefore spending more money on supplies instead of saving any money. They say they save billions? I say thanks to...