
  1. NXT

    LOD returning?

    So I have kept reading LOD is returning. Is this based on Region or Group? I have not heard anything about it. I know leaders closing is coming back, however my store is having the leaders do mids instead and the DSD was okay with that. I have been with Target for a while and remember LOD...
  2. F

    This is not leadership.

    Overheard an ETL talking to a TL about their teams performance. They talked about pushing the team and the team feeling they are not working hard enough. This is not leadership, this is bullying.
  3. G

    Not allowed to speak face to face with leaders

    I was just told by my store director to never again speak face to face with a leader and only to communicate via walkie.... Is it me or is that insane?
  4. F


    Yup, I said it. On a busy Sunday we had one TL alone in our store for several hours. And no, we are not a small format store.
  5. B

    Leader ownership questions?

    Simplified Ownership Leader.. department/area breakdown -SD -GM ETL -SS ETL -HR ETL TL -1 SS TL -1 VM ( treated like SS TL) -2 S&E Tls (also do RFID and Weekly Price Audit) -1 Food and bev -2 GM -(1 inbound/ essentials/ kitchen & stat) + price change, suspect task, and all other...
  6. KarmaToBurn

    Very odd situation

    Since Christmas our ETL-HR has not been seen, our ETL-GM has gone on LOA (and we have a Fill-In), SD is on "Vacation"... this morning I received on internal e-mail from the SD asking me for my personal phone number to discuss a situation that happened late last year. I have not responded as this...
  7. MPLSbullseye

    I got 17 Target Executives and a hometown native ain’t one.

    I say this with the upmost respect to the CEO, executive team, board of directors, investors and the hometown. I am not surprised at Targets Second quarter earnings, nor am I surprised as to the current trading price of TGT on the NYSE based on how they don’t value and respect the voices of...
  8. J

    What would make a Store Director get fired?

    Over the weekend, the Store Director “decided to leave the company.” Nobody knows why and all the ETLs were sent home that day. The store has a ETLs from neighboring stores covering on Saturday. The store leadership and process was bad but I don’t think a fireable reason. What reason, other than...
  9. Pretty Kitty

    Target Gets Worse

    Hey are all Targets like this? Current new in role team leader here for Beaumont TX area. My HR sites in her office 98% of the time with the Style ETL. The only time we see them is during a visit and no one feels safe talking to them because they share confidential information all the time...
  10. K

    Leadership Pet Peeves

    What are some of your guys's pet peeves when it comes to management/hr? I'll throw some of mine out there. It will probably come off as some sort of incoherent rambling, but oh well. I'm not going to throwing all of management under the bus either, but mostly. There has been a few decent...
  11. E

    How many SDs does your store have?

    How many SDs does your store have? I am curious to know if any store has more than one store director
  12. Havok

    Old Store All New ETL Team, Super Sex Scandal

    I haven't talked to anyone from the old store who can confirm this is 100% true but, an old TM ran into me at my new job. Told me ALL the gossip. My old store manager had been sleeping with an ETL which resulted in him being transferred, and her either fired or she resigned. They were both...
  13. M

    Is this happening at your store too?

    For the last 4 months my store has promoted 6 tls to be etls, 2 etls to sd, and bring in outsider in as etl. And they also hired lot of new tls as well at least 4 so far. I wonder if this is happening at all target or something is going on at just my store. But we don't have lot or hiring new...
  14. C

    I hate my SD's new rules.

    My store has a new SD after our last one quit without notice roughly a month ago. Me and this new SD actually have a good relationship. We quickly formed a solid camaraderie and he ended up being the one to give me that final push into being promoted to a GMTL. This promotion was something that...
  15. S

    Store Director now a Style ETL

    My store director is now a style ETL can anyone explain to me how does this happen or can a store director do both titles. Thanks
  16. M

    Store Director

    My store Director hardly ever acknowledges team members. He barely speaks to anyone and if you approach him, he's too busy to engage. Is this normal?
  17. GoldenRiverRose

    What repercussions could I face for secretly recording discriminatory and harassing behavior from leaders?

    For over 4 months now I have been dealing with discriminatory and harassing behavior from the leaders at my workcenter. I've reported these behaviors to multiple leaders with no change. I've contacted the Ethics Hotline and been told the situation had been "handled", even though the behavior has...
  18. J

    LOD responsibility

    What are LOD responsibilities?
  19. R

    Possible Harassment

    I need a second opinion because I feel like this is targeted harassment from my TL. I suffer from medical conditions and my TL has been using this as an excuse to “baby” me and give me write-ups. I’ve been with this company for 2 years and it feels like I’m being targeted because of my...
  20. K

    Management Rant & The Cost Of It

    I've worked at Target for 10-plus years. I've seen a lot of good people come and go, also experienced many idiotic corporate Kool-Aid, practices, buzzwords, and so on, throughout the years. When I first started I can honestly say, that management as far as a big box store retailers goes, it was...