pay rate

  1. TheClopen

    Electronics TM's get paid more...

    So I was closing in Tech the other day when one of our usual closers came up to me and was mad that Electronics Team Members get paid more... So I said uh no we don't...somehow they thought that because you work Electronics you get more per hour. I went on with them for a solid 5 mins about how...
  2. H

    Archived Visual merchandising pay?

  3. A

    Archived Pay ?

    So are team members supposed to get a .50 cent raise after about a month working in hardlines or softlines ? I currently make 11.00 an hour and I was hired for hardlines position but I work in the fitting room as well as an operator. A fellow team member in softlines informed me that she makes...
  4. JustJoe

    Archived Start rate changes negating my raises yet again!

    Recently our store bumped its start rate to the upcoming minimum wage in my state. Since I'm at N05 I am making $.25 more than that. However, this is the second time that my raise has been wiped out due to this. The first time my $.35+ raise got wiped out when I got raised to the start rate...
  5. P

    Archived Unexpected $2 an hour pay raise

    I looked at my last two pay statements and noticed that my pay went from $9 an hour to $11 an hour with no explanation as to why. I recently became a team trainer, but I know there's no normal pay increase with that position. No one ever told me that I was getting a raise (I've been working at...
  6. M

    Archived Moving to different target question

    Do they honor your pay when you move to different target lets say in a different state? Have you ever switched targets? If you did how long did the process take?