
  1. TargetOldTimer

    Gaylord part #

    I've been trying to get my etl to order Gaylord boxes. He can't find the part #. Can anyone share that part#? Inventory is coming up and I find them very useful inventory week.
  2. Ringwraith917

    Sales Floor Printer Not Putting Disposition Letters on ESIM labels

    The label printer and receiving is not printing disposition letters on the ESIM labels. Is anyone else having this problem and how do I fix it if not?
  3. V

    Dire situation

    Where are all the Sterilite totes???? I need those empty boxes for salvage and crc. A lot less mdse is being shipped this year. I hate having to get boxes from shipping. It's going to be he 🏒 🏑 when 💩 goes salvage.
  4. F

    Is there a way to look up when a vendor came in?

    Or even better, if they intend on showing up on a particular day? I'm not talking about the log at the service desk. At my store that hardly gets used... I've asked a few leaders and no one really knew. I asked the receiver and she was sort of brusque, I think nursing a cold, so I haven't...
  5. R

    Receiving Audits have Returned

    I'm not sure if anyone else has gotten them yet, but just a heads up to anyone in receiving. The dreaded audits for ADSD deliveries have returned. I've only gotten one so far, so I have not clue how often they will pop up. If it is was anything like before it will be so varied how often they pop...
  6. V


    Yes I refused your recent order. I've told sales rep truck to shelf as much as possible. You have 2 pallet spaces. If it's in the back do not order it. You told me you removed it from your order but it just magically comes in. Just order enough for required saleplanners when they first...
  7. P

    Logistics Starbucks Shipments?

    If a Starbucks shipment comes in but lacks the necessary paperwork, how do you receive or check it in?
  8. V

    BHM Recall

    Had to pull Magnetic Bullseye items because the individuals were incorrectly named. Does anyone know why we had to pull all the books? Every year seems we have to pull something because of such issues. Doesn't HQ have qualified Quality Assurance Dept oversee things like this? The stuff will...
  9. KarmaToBurn

    Too many vendors

    So my SD says I have too many vendors, and idea how to correct this?
  10. V


    I'm stopped to enjoy a little breakfast before heading to work. Scrolling thur X I saw there's another recall on Threshold Candles. If this is a new one what the h****.
  11. E

    UPS strike mega thread. Please lock or delete

    I’m starting a thread for anything related to the hopefully not upcoming UPS strike that effects Target in any way especially SFS
  12. V

    UPS Strike

    My Excell rep said his company will be increasing their shipments in anticipation of the strike. Which means American Greetings and Neca are possibly planning on doing the same. Will Target hold off dropping the book IR?
  13. TargetOldTimer

    Pink CRC license plates

    Hey, I still don't have the new Pink CRC license plates(what we call them?) Is there a reason? Or is my log ordering the wrong number?
  14. B

    HELP! Any receivers/GM leaders

    The current state of the receiving area at our store is…not great. Absolutely no organization around where to find supplies, paperwork is everywhere, and in general it seems like there is just clutter/trash everywhere. Currently in the process of trying to revamp the whole space and try to have...
  15. V

    Brain Fart

    I can't believe I let this happen. I always fill out alot of pallet ID forms a head of time. We have been shipping out so many CRC pallets that I didn't notice I used my last one Wed. The brain fart is I can not remember the address to save my life. I can't find the info on workbench or...
  16. V


    Yesterday I pulled several IRs that had dropped Friday. I usually have to pull them after lunch and many times I finish boxing and shipping them the next day. No problem until today. I had one book return that was pretty large just vanish from the Rev log app. I'm hoping it will magically...
  17. reverselogistics


    Does anyone know the address for the new LSI Salvage vendor?
  18. J

    Receiver training

    I have been asked to train a new receiver at another store in our district. The amount of time given for training is going to be two one hour zoom calls over the course of two days. Any advice on how I'm going to be able to pull this off would be greatly apricated.
  19. reverselogistics


    When freight comes in with an assigned PO# how do we go about checking them in with the new Receiving AP?
  20. reverselogistics


    Could anyone let me know how to print the scannable labels on the ESIM bins. These are the ones put in the upper righthand corner of the bins that are scanned when putting defects into the bin.