
  1. S


    What day can RFID scans be started?
  2. Ringwraith917

    Has RFID Reject report changed?

    Has this changed recently? For the last two weeks I opened the report and it is empty. Is anyone else having issues? I've been using card 1346400 if that helps. "Row level security applied". TL couldn't access it either.
  3. D

    Creating an RFID tag

    So my store wants us to create rfid tags for style when they need new tags. I have not done this in a few years LOL. Can someone tell me how to make them step by step?
  4. Ringwraith917

    RFID scan update (rant)

    Whose idea was it to only have numbers for departments and not names? I guess I have to memorize every department number in the store now so I'll know where my scan is lowest. This is as of 1/30. Hopefully it's a bug they'll fix soon
  5. P

    Logistics Anyone else having trouble hitting RFID Scan % this week?

    I've had great (98%+ scan in all departments the last month). But this week, I couldn't even hit 95% in any of my areas. Didn't change the way I scanned at all. Portable Electronics had 600 more expected units than in any other week. But still missing a ton in AA and Domestics(Bath mostly). I...
  6. M


    When using the rfid scanner for fulfillment the light that is constantly flashing will become solid periodically, does anyone know why and is it still scanning?
  7. A

    RFID idea

    As we all know finding clothes is terrible. We have no idea if they are on the sales floor and where they are or if they are in a repack in the back. If you have worked at that store for a while you probably start learning where items are but there are countless situations with team members not...
  8. S

    Answered What the heck are these?

    Found these in an old storage area, what are they? Are they still used for anything?
  9. RealFuckingName

    Answered What's RFID?

    I decided to look it up. Intriguing the way it works! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio-frequency_identification
  10. C

    Answered Domestics RFID Issues/Help

    Now, I used to do RFID scan in our store when it first started, I had to scan everything. (Hardlines, Electronics, and Softlines) I hadn't been doing it for a long while. At that time I was working backroom and then I was a closing expert. Now for the last 7-8 months I'm back on the Inbound Team...
  11. Shitfromstore

    Logistics How do you setup RFID guns now with Chromebooks?

    We've received new RFID guns but I haven't set one up since they switched us over to Chromebooks, anybody got the solution?
  12. S

    RFID tag help

    Can anyone point me to a guide ( or just let me know the process) of creating new RFID tags for items missing them? I had a hiatus in my Target time and while I was gone everything got RFID tags. I'm a style tl and need to get all my tms trained leading up to inventory. My new etl doesn't know...
  13. CrypticTM

    Logistics Is RFID going to slow down during 4Q?

    Is RFID going to slow down to once every two weeks or stop all together during fourth quarter like it has in previous years? And if so, can I ask where you guys got that information? I couldn't find anything RFID related in the November Addendum.
  14. S

    RFID questions...

    Help settle a debate team: 1) Does RFID update OH’s? 2) Does RFID trigger replenishment in apparel in any way?
  15. CrypticTM

    Archived RFID Tips?

    Hey everyone! I was wondering if anyone had any tips for completing RFID in a faster or more efficient manner? Everyone I was able to ask in store only have a vaige idea of how RFID works, official percent goals, how fast you can move with the RFID gun, etc. I was hoping someone here has more...
  16. S

    RFID gun

    Can anyone explain how this thing works exactly? How does it find the item? I would think there would have to be some sort of microchip or something on the price tag but there isn’t! So how does it work?? Just curious. 🤗
  17. Ringwraith917

    I'm Lost! RFID reject report

    What app do I use to work this report? They have me do it so infrequently that there is always a different app/ device. What's the latest best practice?
  18. allnew2

    Archived Rfid complete scan

    Does any of you get the bi-weekly rfid above 85% for complete scan? I keep trying and can’t get it anywhere to 97.5% like my stl wants . Any tricks - tips would be very much appreciate
  19. gsa4lyfe

    Archived Made by Design RFID

    I'm trying to set the new Made by Design (MBD) closet organizer display EC and I can't seem to find either of them anywhere and I've attempted to use the RFID gun to locate them and no luck. Can anyone who has set it confirm or deny if it is RDIF enabled and maybe I'm just looking in the wrong...
  20. RightArm

    Archived Baby Registry Weekly RFID Scan

    So... we scanned through our baby registries like we're supposed to but none of them popped up on the RFID scan. (Meaning the scan showed 0) Either they aren't RFID encoded OR we have to RFID encode them... not sure. Has anyone else had this problem? Did you have to encode your registries...