
  1. J

    Vending machine money

    Where does the money from our break room vending machines go? In my previous career we would place vending machines in various locations but a portion of the funds came back to us. We would use those to pay for events with the office workers. No vending company keeps all the $. So who is...
  2. PeaceLuvDuh24


    Testing 1, 2, 3
  3. itsyeboi

    Breakroom postings

    My mom is out of work and fighting with disability due to a return of epilepsy that we can't get under wraps. We have a GoFundMe as I am only in my 20s and cannot afford a mortgage payment, my etl hr offered to post a qr code up for TMs that wanna help or spread the word, but she said she has to...
  4. Planosss

    https://www.reddit.com/r/Target is better.

    I recently discovered the Target Reddit page and its so much better than TBR as a forum. A- Way more users B- Better UI C- Wider range of topics D- Community moderated This forum seems to be run by a few people whose personal opinions trump free speech and dialogue. On the reddit page forum...
  5. Florida Dawg

    Update and Checking on y’all

    Fellow Current and Former Target Employees, How are y’all? I been better since I quit this lying and careless company that is portrayed to customers and people as a caring and bright company to work for. I’m not completely happy as a person but I’m better mentally in a way now that I don’t have...
  6. Avocadioo

    Corporate Engineers ONLY 👨‍💻

    Do any of you Leaders have TBR profiles?
  7. RWTM

    Break Room Twitter

    Can someone make a break room Twitter account. Elon just took over the company. We need to make a new platform for the people who still work at target. There’s a lot of miss information spread on the site because these guys aren’t even employees at Target anymore
  8. Batteryguy556


    Sorry to everyone I was a dick to today That is all
  9. RWTM

    The Break Room 2.1

    In with the new?
  10. F

    Why is this forum messed up on chrome?

    It is completely messed up and I'm not sure if it is going through changes or what. This website's front page appears as a chaotic jumble of all the categories, the chat and comments all smashed together like I'm viewing it on a phone from 2006. It would almost be funny if I wasn't already...
  11. TurgetCirkl

    TheBreakRoom bugs

    I had this problem on another computer too and I don't know where to post it so I'll put it here. For what ever reason on specific pages TBR doesn't load correctly.
  12. A

    This forum

    It's so funny but my boss never seemed to me but today I told a TM about this forum and she told him about it and all the sudden he started being really nice and talkative....it was the weirdest thing
  13. Jamescarson

    My first post.

    I am sexually attracted to Formina Sage. That is all.
  14. A

    4 years

    I really like this website. Never knew it existed..... I just want to say thank you Target, for putting up with my shinanagins for 4.5 years.
  15. C

    How did I delete my break room account?

    I no longer work at target and I got a compromised password email for this acct and decided to delete but can't find it lmao pls help
  16. U

    Does Corporate or Management REALLY Spy in here?

    I've been skeptical but yet another person told me that our "fearless leaders" troll The Breakroom. I didn't really believe it for a long time but I'm starting to notice strange coincidences at my store. If I say anything specific it would give me or store away and now that I'm paranoid....😳...
  17. T

    Thank you!

    I just wanted to say thank you to everyone. I’ve learned a lot since joining and it’s only going to make me a better team member which is what I’m trying to do. I really appreciate the insight and stories and the jokes. 😊 I’ve used a lot of the advice and knowledge from here at my store to...
  18. gsa4lyfe

    Archived How did you find out about TBR?

    I found out by just googling something one day. Curious about others. I assume a lot of word of mouth from other TMs.
  19. Ringwraith917

    Archived Anyone get in trouble at work b/c TBR?

    Have you ever been in trouble or fired or have you written up/ fired someone because of their involvement with The Break Room? Anonymity is the policy here but I've never heard any negative repercussions from using this community. Please share.