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I believe that the "you have been locked out" is from too many failed attempts. You would have to call in to have it reset at that point, but I see you're already doing that.

I think there's another similar thread as well. Maybe that has some suggestions.
Depending on what you want to do ehr, can't be done at home.
Work bench is the fastest way to reset password.

Target Client Support Center:
1 (612) 304-4357
To reset your password, press 1, and then 1 for English, and then when prompted enter your
TM number followed by #
Last 4 digits of social security number followed by #
4 digit birth month and day followed by #

Press 1 to reset the password. You can't change your password over the phone, you can reset it and get a temporary password valid for 24 hours. You can only change your password in store, I've heard rumblings that it works from home but it has never worked for me.
I've called that number multiple times, and I have changed my password in the store. I'm not trying to do anything new with EHR, just check my schedule which I could do up until this week.
I know there is a paper schedule, my issue is all the things I could access at home before, now I can not. Nothing is available to me online, and while there is a direct way of doing everything at work, I made this thread about my issues with accessing it online because I have been able to for months with no problem before this week.

And I am using 'view my schedule.'
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There is usually a schedule posted by the time clock...
I’m usually off Thursdays and Fridays when the schedule is posted, so I check Friday morning from home but it hasn’t been working for me lately. It works on my phone but not my computer. I clear the cache on both and still nothing on the pc.
I know there is a paper schedule, my issue is all the things I could access at home before, now I can not. Nothing is available to me online, and while there is a direct way of doing everything at work, I made this thread about my issues with accessing it online because I have been able to for months with no problem before this week.

And I am using 'view my schedule.'
I do work-related eHR stuff at work on Target computers so if I have questions, I can ask someone. And it also separates work from non-work life. And I follow the paper schedule by the TC.
I’m usually off Thursdays and Fridays when the schedule is posted, so I check Friday morning from home but it hasn’t been working for me lately. It works on my phone but not my computer. I clear the cache on both and still nothing on the pc.
That's when I would wait until the next day I work. Or I would just drive there to check in person if I absolutely need to.
My problem isn't my ability to check the paper schedule though. I understand that's an option.

Thank you Mandie, though. I'd love to know if everyone is having this problem, then? Even if they usually check their schedules on the printed version.
Looks like I'm having issues myself too. Tried resetting password and unlocking account. No luck.
I can get to eHR, but myTime Self Service is giving me the following error, in FF and Chrome (including Incognito):

Sorry, but we cannot complete your request at this time. Please contact your administrator or your help desk for additional assistance.

And then a ticket number. Anyone having similar issues?
I can get to eHR, but myTime Self Service is giving me the following error, in FF and Chrome (including Incognito):

And then a ticket number. Anyone having similar issues?

I'm having the exact same problem, but in chronos.
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