I don't think your fully understanding the situation. I dont have sick hours to use durring this time that I have to wait to see my dr to get a drs note, yet they do not want me to come in because I'm having symptoms. Sending them proof that I have a Covid test date is not enough for them to put me on leave. This is the 1st time I'm going through this Covid leave and team members had told me that a doctors note was not required because the CDC states that no employer should ask for one during the time hospitals are busy handling extreme Covid cases. My issue is, they want me to go to the hospital, while I have a fever and coughing, Possibly expose more people to the virus and then after my doctor writes and signs a paper stating that I must self quarantine I have to email it to them for them to put me on leave. I'm not getting excused or pay for these pass 2 days that I have called off sick. My covid leave and pay will only begin as soon as hr obtains that email