Archived 6 years down the drain..

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Sep 14, 2011
Spot was my first job out of High school and I started on the flow team moving up to APL. I have had mostly EX reviews for my 6 years for the company and never been on corrective action , last week my STL went through my work station and discovered a chat between a peer and I where I complained about her leadership nothing crazy just general griping and confronted me with it and asked for candid feedback. I told her why I thought the way I did and the next day she calls me to tell me I am suspended and to have a nice day. I can't go into too much detail because its still open case but I feel its a bit extreme and I am utterly lost because my wife and I don't know what to do if I lose my job and benefits. I am fighting it but have very little information on whats going on.
Our last ETL went on a war path against some people. Your ETL-HR is your best friend (sometimes). If you can't get it resolved I'm sure you could always request to transfer.
My ETL-HR is brand new out of college shes nice but is still getting the hang of things. I am usually pretty good at keeping my office clear but she went through it while I was in the middle of an apprehension. I was already in the process of transferring out.
Partner with your apbp or hrbp probably? Don't think the etl-hr can help much here... Don't think they can do much more than give you a cca but I don't know the world of ap.
When she confronted me I was thinking CCA or final due to using company assets to complain but not a suspension and possible termination and my APBP said its an HR issue.
Spot was my first job out of High school and I started on the flow team moving up to APL. I have had mostly EX reviews for my 6 years for the company and never been on corrective action , last week my STL went through my work station and discovered a chat between a peer and I where I complained about her leadership nothing crazy just general griping and confronted me with it and asked for candid feedback. I told her why I thought the way I did and the next day she calls me to tell me I am suspended and to have a nice day. I can't go into too much detail because its still open case but I feel its a bit extreme and I am utterly lost because my wife and I don't know what to do if I lose my job and benefits. I am fighting it but have very little information on whats going on.

Can they call you to do this? Don't they have to tell you in person just as they do when you are terminated?
You can probably make a fuss that your STL violated your right to privacy for going through your desk without any just cause. But then again, its considered Target property. Contact HR
So it took awhile for things to work out, I was on suspension for two weeks and only heard from by APBP twice during it. At first I was told I would be facing a final but then it came back it would only be a coaching. I utilized Target resources during the suspension and had them look into it. I decided not to return to that store and take another AP role at another store and also ended up getting my suspension paid for. So far I have not received any corrective action from this incident.
Yup, from what I have been told it is rare to come back and get paid for the suspension. Don't be afraid to utilize Target resources like the hotline and such it saved me here and thanks everyone for their advice.
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