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Nov 12, 2013
So I was a seasonal worker and my last day was suppose to be today but I didn't go in b/c I thought I was suppose to work tomorrow not today. So what do I do with my 2 discount cards and my name tag? I know we where suppose to give those back. I would fee weird if I just walked in to give it back when I'm not a employee anymore. It was my mistake for switching my days up. Also we got payed last week Friday and I didn't pick it up. Will they mail it if I don't pick it up or do I have to pick it up?
I don't work at TSC, but I heard the HR ETL and TSC talking about a bunch of checks of Seas. TMs that still needed to be mailed out, so I am pretty sure that they will mail those out to you. For your name tag/discount cards, I would say: go in! I'm sure they would appreciate you coming in and handing that stuff over and you also picking up your checks. Saves them some work. Call ahead if you still are unsure.
They will mail out your checks but you might still be able to pick it up if you want to get it faster they usually hang on to it for 10 days or so.

Sure drop by and return your stuff, they'll appreciate the thought.
If you're up for rehire it will only make you look good for next time.
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