Archived A quick rant about name tags....

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"Can you go to 3, please?" *Turns off walkie*
Nov 19, 2012
So, I have my name as I prefer to be called on my name tag. I also listed it as the name I prefer to be called when I first applied. I know that my full name appears on the scheduling sheets, but it is just common sense to call someone by the name on their name tag. We have two TMs in softlines that go by names that aren't even similar to their full names.

Is it wrong of me to consider it insulting to those TMs who insist on calling me by my full name? I consider it insulting because they:

1.) Can't read a name tag
2.) Have made zero effort to get to know me

I dunno, but it really rubs me the wrong way.
On multiple occasions.
I call people by whatever is on their name tag unless corrected. We have one girl who has her full name on her name tag, but prefers a shortened form. And when I was new, I called someone on the salesfloor by the wrong name for like 2 months because every time I saw her, she was wearing her friend's name tag.

Everyone one of us has a name that we prefer to be is a sign of respect and humanizes a person to use their name....unless, of course, you are a guest reading it off the name tag...then you're just creepy.

There are a few people at my store who use the nickname of my nickname (without being asked or know that some people in my life use it). It's fine....but in your instance, that would really rub me the wrong way as well.
This calls for an exercise in consistancy: Each & every time (and I mean EACH AND EVERY TIME), correct them.
Sooner or later they will either
a) finally get it right
b) show how slow a learner they are
c) admit that they're a total douche & don't wanna bother to learn your proper name.
Sometimes stupid takes more than one slap to the head.
You can ask your HR (TM, TL or ETL) to make a change in MAX to your "Display Name". If you're name is Marielizabeth, but you like to be called Beth, your HR can change the way your name appears on the grid/wall schedules to just say "Beth".
We have one TM at my store that has gotten my name wrong for years even with very frequent corrections. But I think she just has issues, because she does that with a lot of people.
As someone who has a given name that is evidently EXTREMELY difficult for most people to say 'properly" ( it is a semi- Scandinavian version of a very popular first name for females in the U.S. and many, many other countries ), may I say these things:

if you have a preferred nickname, on your tag, on the schedule, or tattooed on your forehead ( quite a look, I must say ), reiterate it often, and reiterate it slowly and articulately.

There will be people you will meet who will no doubt call you something other than your nickname, your given name, etc., due to language barriers, differences in reading, listening, attention spans, comprehension or learning disabilities.

I try to be gentle and kind and make allowances. it doesn't always work. this is why I respond to at least six different names, most of which are NOT AT ALL of my choosing, including, "HEY!!!!"

All that said, there's nothing like a person who has worked with you for a year or more who still can't ( won't ) say your name "right" to subliminally tell you...."Hey you! I need you to do somethng for me, but I can't be half-@$$36 to say your name, or remember it at all.."
Keep correcting them but do it in a polite manner and not "hey stupid my name is Bill, not William." More like "I've mentioned before I prefer Bill and not William...."
For me, I used to have to say...

"Hey you" for the first couple times until I got a good read of the name tag.
Then name tag
After a few weeks, and depending if you screwed me over or showed no effort, it would turn to "A$$HOLE"
Ah, the joys of having a short, common common that I would've been one of five at the front end had I not been working overnight during the holidays.
Fred? Is that you....?

Is it bad that I read this in Wilma's voice?

Okay I'll admit it

I ordered a nametag that said Batman on it via TIPP once

it was awesome wearing it

guest: "excuse me...batman?!"

They took my TIPP access away because I ordered too many cash-wrap bands for 239. I went through our supply and tossed every box because the adhesive had dried out. They didn't like that... god forbid I would've done something like order a nametag like that :wacko:
Okay I'll admit it

I ordered a nametag that said Batman on it via TIPP once

it was awesome wearing it

guest: "excuse me...batman?!"

They took my TIPP access away because I ordered too many cash-wrap bands for 239. I went through our supply and tossed every box because the adhesive had dried out. They didn't like that... god forbid I would've done something like order a nametag like that :wacko:


I usually threw the request in with a batch of legit name tag replacements
I have with my "given" name and one with my "preferred" name. I switch it up every now and then just to keep people on their toes 😉

We have a tech that has a rather "androgynous" name so whenever she calls anyone, she gives a fake name. Those of us that have been there awhile KNOW who callers want when they ask for her, but newbies are rather confused and have told people "we don't have anyone here with that name". Lol!
I really want to have them order a name tag that says "That guy" because every time I'm on the floor pushing product, 2 people will walk up behind me and in the course of conversation say "Maybe that guy can help us?" and that ask me a question....usually on the really stupid side.....
I really want to have them order a name tag that says "That guy" because every time I'm on the floor pushing product, 2 people will walk up behind me and in the course of conversation say "Maybe that guy can help us?" and that ask me a question....usually on the really stupid side.....

I want one that says "That girl (or lady)".
I really want to have them order a name tag that says "That guy" because every time I'm on the floor pushing product, 2 people will walk up behind me and in the course of conversation say "Maybe that guy can help us?" and that ask me a question....usually on the really stupid side.....

LOL! We have 1 male TM in pharmacy so everyone refers to him as "that guy" or "the boy" 😉
One of backroom guys had one that just said 'Dude'.
I always thought it would have been even better with an ! after it.
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