Archived Ahoy from Canada

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1 of 17,600
Apr 7, 2013
Honestly didn't expect to see a forum full of Spot workers, but here we are. I'm new to the forum and new to Target. (as are most TMs in Canada I would assume)

I currently work overnight as flow (with some backroom cross-training) at a western Canadian store that will be opening... soon. Though we're not open yet I've been enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would be so far, with a lot of that going to a team that's proven to be fun to work with. I'm hoping that sticks once we finally get open.

I usually lay low on forums nowadays (used to be a huge forum addict) but I'll try not to be a stranger to the rest of the red-and-khaki.
Welcome to The Break Room!

Off topic - Did you know that when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone, he proposed answering it with ahoy?
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