COVID-19 Any HR here? Quitting Target while I’m on a LOA and FINAL CCA?

Jun 2, 2017
I would like to know if this is a good advice. I know I can resign from Workday app, but I would like to know if I’ll be in good terms with the store to be rehirable. I must mention that my LOA was a vulnerable leave due to immnocompromissed condition I have, so I didn’t want to get exposed to COVID. I took it in May and extended it, it ends in mid-August, but at the same time I was put on Final CCA last year, so what are the odds if I would like to apply later like next year or something?
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It all depends on what the final was for. If it’s for meal compliance and your performance wasn’t the issue, I don’t think it’ll be a problem coming back. If your final is performance based, your chances aren’t that good. Your store won’t want to re hire someone they deemed a problem performer. It would defeat the purpose of them going through the trouble of taking you through most of the performance management process.
I won't hire back someone who isn't decent or has poor attendance.

On a medical LOA during one of the worst pandemics in the last 100 years because of a medical condition that impairs the immune system and makes it function poorly is poor attendance? That's rough attendance criteria.
As others have said, it depends on what the final was for.
Also depends on the type of relationship you have with your leadership/HR.
Most might be understanding if you didn't return because of your health considerations during a pandemic but again, depends on how you got along with leadership.
On a medical LOA during one of the worst pandemics in the last 100 years because of a medical condition that impairs the immune system and makes it function poorly is poor attendance? That's rough attendance criteria.
I assume they were meant it because the OP was on a final before all this happened, not because they had poor attendance because of covid.
OP hasn't said why. Could be gossiping instead of working. Could be safety lacking and a serious accident happened. Could be targeted by a TL who's no longer there. Could be blowing off work. Could be sick due to immune compromised but undiagnosed at that time and HR didn't retroactively go back and note the absences were actually an ADA issue. Could have learned their lesson. Assuming automatic bad and no lesson learned is not a fair assumption until the OP speaks up. Especially since it sounds like the final CCA may drop off soon and the pandemic is stopping the work performance that would let it drop, so lesson could have been learned.
OP said she was put on a final last year, so not Covid-related. But yes, we don't know the reason for the final. But if one gets to the point of a final, it's not a good thing.