Service & Engagement Baby Registry


Apr 27, 2020
Anyone else having trouble with baby registry bags, the barcodes in the bags when scanned, say to not sell and print the little slip saying "Do not sell" . Our GSTL says just give the guest the bag but I don't think that is the correct practice. Any tips?
Not 100% sure on the best practice but I thought we should just hand the bags over without taking them out of the system. I know that the bags have RFID chips in them and get replenished during weekly RFID tasks.

Edit: Apparently according to Amanda they haven't been RFID in a year.... good to know!
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Anyone else having trouble with baby registry bags, the barcodes in the bags when scanned, say to not sell and print the little slip saying "Do not sell" . Our GSTL says just give the guest the bag but I don't think that is the correct practice. Any tips?
That’s an old bag. They should be donated as coupons are expired. Current bag is green with white raindropy shapes. Search baby registry bag on workbench for updated barcodes. If you don’t have any of the new ones, audit dpci down to 0 and you’ll get more in 2-3 days.
wevr had that one for a while though so a new one is probably incoming soon.

search spring baby kit in mywork, it should be the only result.
You supposed to hand it to the guest and audit to 0 or when style does the rfid they can do the reject report and audit to 0 again
The fact that y'all have old bags is insane. My store goes through a box of ten in a week or two at most.
They seem to send us 6-8 boxes of ones about to expire. Other times they send a box at a time maybe once a month and they are gone within an week.
That sounds like an issue with the team not processing correctly. If processed correctly, when you get to 2-3 OH, it should replish with one box of 10