Been a while but I’m out!

May 8, 2020
I left Target about two months ago when several tls and etls left the company or transferred. It all came as a shock to the team members of the store when so many managers(not leaders because that would imply they demonstrate any ounce of leadership). For anonymity I won’t go into specific details about the count of managers that dipped out, but it was enough. As a 21 year old who was trained by someone the same age as my parents, for the past two years I have sought those older veterans out and learned as much as I could from them.

The biggest sign to me that it was time to get out was when several of the 10-15+ year team members quit. I was my store’s last non-seasonal hire in 2019 and the last pre-covid hire. It really felt like a family. And for the people that understood, it was! I took part in my district’s development program, completed it, was benched, and learned every work center except for AP all in a year while I finish my degree.

I understand and respect seniority, but if Target wants to claim they promote based off of merit(as my managers proclaimed it does) then things need to seriously change. I was chosen to backfill my manager’s position if and when they ever changed positions, and participated in weekly busses to discuss our area. As of 7 days before their sudden transfer everything was still good to go… But once it was announced that they were leaving the store, my SD sat me down and told me that 1. there would be no interviews for the job, and 2. they gave my tl’s spot to a different tl(with no experience besides being in s&e). That’s all fine, I love the guy who got the job and have hung out with him since leaving the company.

I worry a lot about the integrity of my store’s SD of several years and the rotating HR ETL. There are other very illegal business practices that HR engaged in that I’ll share one day, but it’s still too soon. I wasn’t the only team member who was screwed out of a potential promotion either, there’s at least one other great person that I know of. Unfortunately the managers that replaced the old ones are just pitiful. Team moral was at an all time low, truck isn’t being pushed, 141s are not completed, payroll is still being cut, flexed items are not tied at all ANYWHERE.. Through my entire tm development I ran 100% green on every metric except for 141 completion which ran an average of about 80% for the FY 2021(group and district average was about 50-55%). We created a culture of excellence that left with us. Since then most of gm, f&b, starbucks, and front end has rolled over and left for better paying jobs.

I took my resume to a great company that’s paying me more than what a tl makes in my area, is working with me to move into a different position when I’m done with my degree soon, and employees honest hardworking people.

If you take one thing away from this post, please know that even if you apply to 30 jobs like I did this winter and only get a call back from a few, there are companies out there that see Target as a gold standard for entry level jobs like that(even though it has turned into crap). I’m not in retail anymore but I am working in some form with similar vendors. When the recruiter learned about my time running f&b it was a done deal on the spot and I got an offer.

Don’t settle for a $0.30 cent raise for suffering through all of the pain that covid and politics brought in our workplace last year. Don’t get sucked into your etl’s “Target talk”, telling you you might get a promotion or a bonus. There are so many people and companies out there that value YOU as so much more than that.

I’ll be around, feel free to pm me if you want to talk!

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