Archived Brand New!

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Jan 28, 2013
Whats up everyone? I have been checking out this forum for a little bit and had my Orientation yesterday. I am a new assistant. PFresh. I am working the Frozen/Dairy section of the Wal-Mart and was offered this position by Target and accepted. Ill get better perks and not have to work overnights anymore.

Im brand new to the company. Im excited to start doing something new and different. A brand new store is opening in March next to my house and Im going to start training at another location until that time comes for the store to open. They call this a "PFresh" version of Target. Not sure what all the differences are. Its not a Super Target though. Is there any feedback you guys can give me? About the position or in General? Im a hard worker, so I look forward to doing whatever it takes to try and move up the ladder to get at a better point in life with myself. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks guys.

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welcome! it is highly suggested to remove your location. spot watches us... just search under pfresh in the upper right hand corner.
Thank you. The atmosphere at Target is so much different then Walmart. I shopped there a little today and looked at the items and the store, especially the Pfresh area. I think Ive been to Target probably a total of 10 times my whole life. It has a lot more of a cleaner feel to it. More calm and the audience of the guests are also different to. I'm excited and eager to learn as much as I can.
Thank you. I appreciate that. I start tomorrow with training. Pretty excited for some reason 🙂
Hey there, and welcome! You're the first market person I've seen post so that's a relief :excited:. Well Pfresh is a pretty smooth job from what I've done. I don't work in Pfresh but do when someone calls out >.<. Umm, well you said you already worked at Walmart doing the same thing so you already know about FIFO I'm assuming. All you need to do is keep main areas full (bananas, eggs, milk). Ever so often there are cafs in the back that need to be pushed. Wait are you working morning or closing shift?
Greetings and salutations Market King.
Welcome to The Break Room.
Welcome, king! We have a lot of folks who do pfresh here too. Just use the search button on the upper right corner.
Thanks Guys. Hello Market King! Well, It seems like Ill be working the morning shift. A majority of my training has been done in the morning from 6-2:30 which is pretty sweet. Im ready to head out there in a little bit this morning. I can already see all of this coming together and making sense soon. Its just the whole beginning process seems like whoa! We have a pretty cool TL for the PFresh area and the people at the other store training me are really nice to. Basically this week Im going to go in more hands on with everything so I can gather a routine. The only thing is, when I switch to my store which is totally brand new, its a little bit bigger there. Everything is updated. So things might flow a little bit different but the Supervisor over my spot is switching from that store over to mine. And she seems very nice and helpful. I just already know that the more hands on I am with it and make the routine up, then it will come together and Ill breeze past this feeling of WHOA hahaha. But yeah its pretty cool. I look at this position and the other I had with walmart as a workout when I'm moving around. I know all about he FIFO since I used to stock Frozen/Dairy. But the Walmart Neighborhood Market I was out was like blahhh lol. There's probably double the amount of stuff to stock at the Walmart then there is here at the Target. But Targets Backroom and process is a lot more on point ive noticed. Which is good since its more organized. But then again I was working overnight at the Walmart which the place was closed. Now I'm in the morning with "guests" (Gotta remember GUESTS not CUSTOMERS lol) and its a good experience since I have a service foundation and am generally positive to everyone. Ill continue to see how this flows through. I appreciate all of your feedback guys! Its alllllllll about the Bullseye!! lol
Market King Welcome! Sorry I forget to say that lol. The more Im training, the more the flow is starting to all come together.
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